Mod Announcement

@acer621 I'm quite late to the point, so this probably won't get much attention. r/xxfitnessmotivation is totally dead, but a lot of the previously unsanctioned posts would be a great fit over there. I think splitting the sub and funneling traffic someplace else would help a lot
@acer621 A+ plan! Let's make their effort count by participating and making content. I really miss how active and engaging this sub used to be but this is the perfect opportunity to make things better if we all do our parts!
@newdata2 I am going to be watching some people quite closely to see that they are indeed participating, and didn't just use yesterday's post as an opportunity to vent their spleen.
@acer621 Great idea! Thanks for being willing to work on this. I'm sure you will get complaints still, but I appreciate the attempt to meet in the middle. Sometimes an overhaul is necessary.
@acer621 Thank you for listening to feedback. When I first joined this sub many years ago it seemed there was a lot of engagement. I full agreed with a poster who said that there’s only the weekly/dailies, and almost no original content.

Having an experiment for a month is a great idea. We appreciate what the mod team does, and this just shows what a fantastic sub this is.
@acer621 Ladies, thank you for devoting so much time and effort to make this sub the best it can be. Looking forward to some chaos and getting a chance to reconnect with this awesome community.
@acer621 Glad mods are responsive but whew it's gonna be a shit month with limited moderation. Can't wait for a billion 'how do I build a booty while only eating 1000 calories a day' posts!
Sure! I just find it annoying to have to dredge through them all when aforementioned low-effort, low-discussion posts are as abundant as they previously were. Much like people were describing it being annoying to have to dig through a daily thread. Clearly, different strokes for different folks.