Mod Announcement

@acer621 I like this change; on the other hand, an automod that directs to FAQs when people ask the same questions over and over again might be helpful.

Edited to add: not disallowing the discussion, just something like, it looks like you are asking about X, here’s a link to our FAQ on that topic.
@acer621 Understood, I’m not asking for an automod that shuts down discussions (which is what yours previously did), but instead, for one that sends people to the information they are looking for. The thread doesn’t get lock, and if others still wish to comment, they can. Just something to consider. I know it can be done because I’ve seen it in other subreddits.
@acer621 Maybe there could be a wiki page for collecting ideas/opinions people have during September, starting with this one. So people don't forget them and also provides a bit of an outlet so they don't feel the need to put it in threads.
@acer621 Yes. I used to be quite active on the sub but then over time disappeared because like someone mentioned in the post yesterday, it had changed.

Glad to see you guys listened, discussed, and doing a trial period to let us be free and then observe and come back.

Looking forward to the end of month findings.
@acer621 This is great. Hopefully we can also encourage using upvotes and downvotes to highlight posts that do encourage good discussion and downvote ones that could maybe be easily found with a search or on the FAQ.
@acer621 Whether it is during or post experiment, maybe experimenting with tags or filters for people with specific preferences. Like, it's sure nice to read /r/worldnews without some of the stress-inducing topics.

I love the fact that you're working out an actual experiment!
@acer621 Hi there. Mod of a few lifting subs here.

We've tried this.

It's a wonderful way to show the community that moderation is actually a positive thing.

The complainers - and there will always be complainers - are a very small minority. They are rarely contributing-members to a community.

I applaud you for taking this step, and will probably subscribe for the month of September with a barrel full of popcorn at my side to watch the chaos unfold.
@dawn16 its been 24h and the volume of low quality posts in /new is already annoying me lol. I think some of the people against moderation really really don't browse popular subs by /new much to get an idea of how... much it can be.
@bluepenguin1987 I just cant understand posts like “how do you find motivation to XYZ after XYZ”? Sounds like they are looking for magic cures. It’s not motivation, it’s discipline and prioritising... and sometimes it sux.
@bluepenguin1987 Genuine question (not being snarky)

why do you browse by /new? I feel like annoying repetitive content is a problem for every subreddit and the goal of upvotes is that the cream rises to the top?
@j1a1h Same. I never browse by new. I'd rather see what's interesting/upvoted. And maybe go for controversial if I super want to see drama.