Mod Announcement

@acer621 Thank you for listening, taking action, and admitting it is just an experiment. You guys are awesome. I know this wasn't easy, but it will be worth it. Thanks again!
@acer621 Happy to see this! I’ve been spending more time in other fitness subs lately because it felt like I wasn’t seeing much new content here. But this used to be my favorite!
@acer621 I'm the creator of the original thread and I'm very surprised and intrigued by this decision! I'm definitely super curious to see how September goes down. It's an interesting tactic for the mods to (almost) entirely step back for the month.

I fully expect a lot of low-effort posts to trickle in over the coming weeks, and I think that will help the userbase identify which rules are most beneficial to keep around. I do hope we end up with a middle-ground approach, where engaging content is encouraged and super low-effort posts are redirected or removed.

I do want to sincerely thank the mods for how they're handling this. Criticism is hard, especially considering mods are unpaid volunteers who receive very little thanks for their tireless work. I know they just want to see the community thrive so hopefully this experiment will be a step in the right direction! Thank you for listening to us.
@jag15 Hey I’ve just joined, did things get better?? The ‘new’ section seems to be a lot of auto mod posts so I sorted by highest kudos
@jag15 Oh that’s a relief thank you. I was worried as I was reading because I noticed none of the top kudos posts were more recent than two years ago, but I’ve just sorted by new and I can see posts now
@acer621 Yo as somebody who subs to both xxfitness and gamedev, I want to encourage this style of approach you've taken.

It's a fundamental principle of game design that when you make small incremental changes, it's sometimes hard to tell if you've changed too much or not enough, or if your changes have any effect at all.

By making big drastic, but planned to be temporary changes, you can expect to see big results, and it will be far more clear which ones are good and which ones are bad. Bravo! Super brave!
@acer621 I'm not against moderation. I'm against heavy-handed moderation, and this sub has been stripped of any original content thanks to the mods. Removing relevant posts later because they didn't generate enough replies, as one mod admitted in the prior post, is bananas to me.

Before today, this sub never showed up in my feed, which is how most people view content on reddit. I was shocked to see it and honestly pleasantly surprised.

However, after reading this newest announcement, I think the mods are doing this to punish the dissenters instead of just easing up on how much content they remove that is actually relevant to the sub, and I don't like the way that makes me feel.

Just my honest opinion.
@chanticleera I personally haven't gone on this sub until this week because I've had zero motivation to work out since my gym closed. So I wouldn't say covid has had no effect. That being said, I was still surprised by the lack of posts when I came back.
@acer621 I really hope there continues to be high traffic and activity in the daily posts!!

I enjoy being able to post questions/concerns/frustrations in a comment thread and get plenty of feedback, rather than take up space and time with a stand alone post. Plus, I feel like a lot of us have found the space to vent and open up about a lot of other life things in those threads, as realistically, the do bleed into our fitness and health. This sub has gotten me through a lot of personal life things that I wouldn’t feel comfortable writing a post about, ya know?