Mod Post: The Ideal Gym

@acer621 I want a gym 100% to myself, so basically an Anytime Fitness or PF in my basement. But also the ability and space to take real Zumba classes remotely from said basement, that way I can enjoy my class without worrying about bumping into anyone else. Also, a free smoothie bar!
@acer621 Some high quality machines, with plenty of opportunities to adjust (because fuck being too short or too tall for machines!). And planches that explains the machine!

Plenty of cable towers. Plenty of benches by the dumbbells, and mirrors that go super low (I have a short torso, sometimes I can barely see my shoulders in the mirrors while sitting).

Mirrors on wheels. Sometimes you want to see the exercise form more than one angle, they can also work as screens if you´re selfconcious.

People who don't rerack properly, or don't disenfect equipment after use are kicked out!

Also, disenfectable robes in different lengths for the cable towers. And MAG-grips.

Showers with adjustable heads and temperatures. A selfie cabin in the locker rooms, with great lightning, and you don't catch anyone else, ever, in your selfies.

Hairdryers and straighteners as well. My gym has this, it just feels so nice, even though I rarely use them.

Pool, or at least a sauna, would also be nice.

Also included in the membership would be monthly, tri-monthly of bi-annual inbody scans.

Bougie? Maybe a bit. My current gym has a lot of these already though, what I miss most in my daily training is mirrors to move around. But it's pretty cheap for Danish standards, so I don't complain. The rest is just nice to have/idealistic.
@acer621 Home gym for sure! With a big rack that can be used for squats but also to prep your bar for deadlift (I have issue lifting a single 20kg plate with one hand while holding the bar in the other). Add a bench that you can put in the rack for bench press.

One hip thrust machine, and the cable machine. And of course a rack with loads of dumbbells.

Oh, and I'd like this thing you can attach on your wall, and it comes with small wooden "sticks" that you place wherever so you can target the knots on your back. Don't know how to describe it better lol
@twinmama If good coffee=Starbucks PSL, then no thank you. I tried making one of those at home with one of those DIY recipes you find online and I was all"WTF is the deal? I don't get it. I mean it's OK, but....I don't get it."
@acer621 I'd want a mix between my lifting gym and pole studio.

Full range of squat/bench/deadlift racks, free weights, machines; pole & aerial equipment (both for individual use and classes); yoga studio; climbing walls; somewhere to get coffee/protein shakes/etc.

You'd always have to book a slot but you could choose any time from 0.5-3 hours, there'd be cleaning wipes, water fountains, and everyone would tidy up after themselves.

If I'm really fantasising there'd also be a swimming pool, hot tub & steam room! I've been to gyms that have had each of the above but never all in the same gym.
@acer621 Decent air conditioning, not overcrowded and no queue for weights, treadmills or machines, everyone would disinfect after using the machines. I live in London and most gyms are crowded so this feels like a big ask 😂😂
@acer621 A climbing gym that is also a spin gym and also is just me and whoever else I allow in. So, basically my peloton plus a personal climbing wall with someone to set the routes. Oh and also some floor space for yoga. Really I'd just settle for a climbing gym closer to my house.
@acer621 Those competition racks that you can adjust the squat height really easily. And ideally something that racks/unracks the weight automatically itself, a large portion of my workout at the moment is shifting hundreds of kilos on and off the bar between mine and my boyfriends sets.
@acer621 As I'm a fencer:
  • Air conditioning for summer
  • Better heating for winter
  • The gym is cleaned well and regularly
  • Coaches and/or staff with actual degrees/training in the areas related to personal training and physical therapy.
  • Full wall of mirrors
  • Actual punishment/public shaming for bros (and other shitty behaviour)
@acer621 It would want it feel like walking into a temple. Everything would be streamlined with dark rooms, light rooms with big windows, treadmills/bicycles in a garden area or greenhouse, an outdoor pool, an indoor pool, and a meditation room/ yoga area. The showers would be spa-like and membership would include deep discounts on certain brands of gym clothing.
@acer621 It would be cool to have a gym with “pods” of equipment - so like 20 (?) “pods” which contain a squat rack, set of dumbbells, bench, mat etc and you could book the pod for an hour, which would give you all the equipment you need and your own space. It wouldn’t have to be secluded or anything - like have the squat racks and other equipment in the open, but that space was yours to use for the hour and you wouldn’t have to worry about not having access to equipment, working in or wandering about trying to find things. It would make people more confident as well because you wouldn’t have the anxiety aspect of trying to find the right equipment or asking other people to work in.