Mod Post: The Ideal Gym

@magicaxeman That would be awesome. The one thing that keeps me from trying new things is the fact that I am amazing at injuring myself and after what happened to me back in January (which was entirely my own fault), I'm terrified of trying new things. I'm so scared I'll be doing (insert thing here that I don't know how to do and have never done before) and REALLY injure myself .
@magicaxeman I am into this idea. I’d wear the purple band which means if you have professional training and experience please come talk to me, if you just wanna show off your bro knowledge leave me the f alone lol
@acer621 there would always be one very nice treadmill available just for me and ample fans and no one would so much as look at me the entire time. also it would be within walking distance of where i live.

so a home gym LOL
@acer621 The ideal gym plays its music at TJ Maxx retail volume to have background noise that can easily be drowned out by headphones without killing my ears. People blasting music on speaker of any kind? Instant ban. TVs built into the cardio equipment only. None hanging from the walls.
@dawn16 But you have to be able to turn the TVs on the cardio machines off. A bunch of the cardio equipment at my gym have TVs that can't be turned off if the equipment is in use. I end up flipping channels until I find one where the reception is so bad I get an error message.
@acer621 I’d love to expand my garage gym. 2 of everything so that I could always workout with a partner. I’d like to think it would be a community gym where my friends could come workout whenever they wanted. No membership fee per-say but people would drop a few bucks here and there which would be used to upgrade and replace equipment as needed.