Morning workouts - prep, routine and everything else

@charlieparker My job is as a fitness instructor and when I work in the mornings my biggest thing is getting everything ready the day before. Gym clothes, towel, water etc set aside easy to grab. If I need to shower at the studio I also prep all that in a separate bag with a change of clothes, shampoo, towel etc.

I can't eat much first thing so I usually just have a drinkable yoghurt or something light. And pre workout really helps, I put it in a to go cup and have it on the drive over.

The biggest deal maker for me though is sleep. Going to bed early enough, getting enough sleep in or if I wasn't working I wouldn't have the motivation to get up and go. Setting the alarm and just getting up immediately. I sleep in clothes that help me from being so cold and not getting out of bed.

I also usually eat a bit more than usual the night before so I'm not hungry for a couple hours after getting up.

And putting music on ASAP to stay motivated!
@charlieparker I’ll keep it short:
- Prep food the day before. You’ll be hungry after working out and snacks or meals for the office are a game changer.
- Pack your gym bag the night before: Towels, clothes, shoes, lock, water bottle. This way you won’t feel rushed in the morning and end up forgetting the important stuff.
- Showering at the gym saves a lot of time. Maybe invest in some shower gel, shampoo for gym use only (so you don’t forget it in your actual shower).

In the end, it depends on how much time you want to have for your work out, if you like to cool down with stretching or take your time with hair etc. Having 1 hour in the gym is reasonable but not a lot of time. I like to have 1 1/2, but again that’s just me.
@charlieparker I normally workout around 5pm (after work), but I can share my 6am workout schedule.

-Night before: prepare all gym clothes & set the alarm (preset the coffee pot & workday clothes when I am extra prepared)

-5:25-45am: wake up, bathroom, change into gym clothes, hair

-5:45am: grab coffee and drive to gym. I'm 50/50 on if I have a breakfast snack. Usually just an apple/banana/protein bar before class

-6-7am: crossfit workout

-7:15am: back home after some mobility

-7:35am: finish shower & then start preparing for the workday (real breakfast, etc)

-usually starting WFH or drive into the office at 8-8:30am

My main recommendations are to prepare workout clothes the night before and pay attention to what your body actually wants to eat for a pre-workout breakfast. I wouldn't do anything more than a piece of fruit unless I wake up extra early, but you may feel different.
  • 5:50am alarm, snooze to maybe 6:10
  • put on workout clothes, scrunchie, deodorant that I left out for myself the night before
  • brush teeth
  • fill water bottle and walk to the gym for 6:30ish
  • pick up heavy thing
  • put down heavy thing
  • repeat as needed
  • leave gym around 8 (7:45 if going to office) and walk home
  • optional: fresh croissant pickup
  • get home to screaming cats
  • feed cats
  • wash face and or shower
  • eat protein bar or yogurt with tea
  • if going to office: makeup, pack lunch, real clothes
  • start remote work 9am or leave at 9am to go to office
@charlieparker My workouts vary between running outdoors, running indoors on my own treadmill, a CrossFit gym about ten minutes away for 5am class and home strength.

So given that you workout at home, I’ll share what that looks like for me.

I wake up at 430 and give myself time for meditation, coffee, bathroom and sometimes I fuel for the workout. Workout starts at 530 and I’ll usually spend the first few minutes slow walking following by a few minutes of mobility before getting into the main workout which lasts 45-60 minutes.

From there, I prep my kids lunches, get myself in the shower and start getting ready. My goal is to have myself mostly dressed by 7 and the kids at least out of bed by then. My husband and I tag team kid breakfast, I work on getting a protein shake and/or some toast in.

School bus for my oldest comes at 7:45 and as soon as he’s out, I’m in the car with my youngest and have her dropped at daycare by 7:55. I’ll then head to work. If I’m still hungry or need something to add to my lunch, I’ll stop at Whole Foods which is on the way. Typically I’m pulling into work by 8:20.

This is the schedule for M-F. Weekends start a bit later. I think the key for me is to sort of dumb down the decision making needed in the morning. So for example, all clothing is out and ready. If I’m running, all of that stuff is out and ready so I don’t have to go searching for a headlamp, or cold weather gear. Any water bottles are prepped and ready, coffee filter is out waiting. Stuff like that seems small but makes a difference for me.
@charlieparker Alarm at 5 - make my way to the basement with water and do a weights workout for about an hour, 10-20 min yoga cooldown if there is time.

Around 6 or 6:20 -make breakfast + coffee and prep work lunch (leftovers in a Tupperware usually)

6:45 - dress for work or cycling gear, pack work bag or panniers

6:55 or 7 - out the door with the bike or walk to the bus (30 mins of walking + 15 mins bus or 45 mins of cycling)

7:45 - change into work clothes or make second coffee before sitting down at the desk for 8

Some days though I get up and just stare bleakly out the window for a while then scroll Reddit with my coffee.
@charlieparker you should probably start by asking yourself what you want your mornings to feel like, what you want to do, what are your goals? all of this depends on your circumstance: do you have kids? a dog? a partner who you can’t disturb? do you need to be punctual for work? what’s your commute like? are you even hungry in the morning? do you have to wash your hair every day?

start with small changes: a big one for many is no phone until you’re up and out of bed and have accomplished something. maybe it’s meditation, or maybe it’s just getting workout clothes on and out the door. i’m a morning person so it’s not super hard for me but the key to nailing down a good routine is eliminating distraction and focusing on what you want and how it all feels (creating satisfaction which enables long term change).

i like a bit of slow quiet before my day so i wake up, feed the cat, drink hot water and journal (im a writer so i’ve been doing this for a long time, it meets a need for creative therapy) then i’ll have coffee and either go to the gym or go for a long walk. lately i’ve been experimenting w adding a small snack for energy before workouts. nothing cooked bc i don’t want to use my time that way and i prefer a larger/more prepared or hot meal after my workout. so yogurt/berries and granola or a rice krispie treat. i naturally wake up between 6:30-7 and during the work week i can be done all of this by 9:30 (i do WFH).

i’ve been doing this for years now so that if i slip up and play on my phone, or miss a workout/walk, or don’t journal, on some days i can easily get back on track bc i know how great my mood is for the day when i’m solidly in my routine. the key to me is that this all feels good so i want to do it (honestly it’s best time of my day). i feel like even ppl who aren’t early risers should have morning routines that prepare them emotionally/mentally for the day!
@charlieparker I have to be at work by 7:30AM at the latest, so my routine is usually:

4:00AM - Alarm

4:10AM - Actually get out of bed. Brush teeth, wash my face with cold water, put on gym clothes, and drink a glass of water to get things moving, poop-wise.

4:35AM-4:45AM - Grab my meals for the day and start heading to the gym.

4:55AM-6:15AM - Work out, involves lifting and cardio, except on leg days, where it's lifting and stretching afterward. On upper body days, I'll usually stretch at home after work, since it also helps to decompress.

6:15AM-6:45AM - Shower at the gym, since it's 10 minutes away from work, and saves me the headache that is traffic in my city/country.

7:00AM-7:30AM - Eat breakfast at my desk (RIP) and prepare, mentally, for the workday.

I'm usually in bed by 9:00PM and always leave my gym bag prepped with my work clothes. I also leave out my gym clothes on my dresser so I don't have to think about it. Since I shower after work, as well, I don't have to worry about a pre-gym shower (I know some people take those).

I have a spreadsheet with my meal prep for the week and take either Saturday afternoons/nights or Sunday mornings to cook everything. On weekends when I'm feeling lazy, I only make dinners, since my workplace has opt-in for catered lunches.
@charlieparker I work out at a gym that is next to my office. I wake up at 5am, get dressed, make a quick protein shake, and am out the door by 5:40. My gym opens at 6am. Between my warmup and my workout, it usually takes me about an hour and a half to get through it all. I head to shower at 7:45. I’m usually back to my car by 8:45 and in the office at 9am. I eat breakfast at my desk. It helps me to pack all my stuff up the night before, including my gym bag, food for the day, and stuff for work. Easily doable in less time if you have a shorter workout and don’t take ages to shower like I do.
@charlieparker I work out at home. I wake up at 630. The previous night, I keep my clothes ready on my dresser and I pick my workout of choice. I have bad reflux issues so I work out on an empty stomach. Depending on the day, I work out for between 30-60 minutes. At 730, I shower and by 8, I'm mostly dressed. At 8, I wake up my 5 year old and get her dressed for school while my husband takes care of breakfast. By 820, she's clean and dressed and by 8:45, I've eaten and ready for work (but I still wfh, which makes this all manageable).
@charlieparker -Up at 530
-Coffee and cook a quick oatmeal breakfast
-Read/do some emails etc while eating the brekkie
-In gym by 7
-60-90min workout

Home by 845
Sometimes sitting at my desk in my PE Kit at 847 🤣
Other days showering at and my desk by 930
Hair washing only happens twice a week
The non-negotiables are getting up at the same time/breakfast and the workout. The others will flex depending on the day’s schedule
@charlieparker Night before: put workout clothes and next day’s clothes in bathroom.

4:40: wake up, take littlest dog outside. He gets put back in bed afterwards. Then I put on my workout clothes, braid my hair/brush teeth, and go for an hour long run.
6:00: back from run. Cool down. Do quick upper body workout: 2 exercises with dumbbells, 4x10 or 4x15 of each.
6:25ish: start steel cut oatmeal and kettle for tea.
The next section is a blur of showering, walking the other dog and putting him back in bed, making both my breakfast and my husband’s breakfast, and packing my bag for the day.
By about 7-7:15, I’m dressed and more or less presentable. I eat my oats, cottage cheese, and berries, and check twitter and reddit.

Out the door by 8, and then I’m either on transit or biking to work, depending on the season.

Weekends is about the same except I sleep in about half an hour later and eating breakfast/scrolling Reddit is a lot more leisurely haha.
@charlieparker Those ones on the Internet are insane

This is me

Alarm goes off at 5:20

Without even getting out of bed properly I put on my gym bits which I put on the end of my bed the night before

Stumble downstairs

Kettle on


Come back to kitchen, throw on coat and ruck

Pour hot water in my coffee flask (also put on the side the night before

Get out of house, generally not understanding who i am or what is happening

Ruck, 30 mins same route every day, whilst throwing back coffee

Home and poop

Get in car (bag and work outfit are put in the night before ready to go), about this time I've started to wake up

Drive to gym, arrive 6:30

Work out (weights, I've done my cardio with the ruck) until 7:30

Shower and get ready at gym

Drive home

Breakfast at desk

Repeat! Don't listen to YouTube. Life isn't like that