My 10 Month Calisthenics journey!

@myablegod For back workout (pullups) it looks something like this

Warm up : Australian pull-ups 15 reps x3 sets
Warm up : couple pullups/explosive pull-ups

Then I start my workout
1.I do muscle ups 3-5 sets while I am fresh that is my main focus right now.
2. Explosive pullups to chest or more 3-5 sets
3. Pull with weights 2 warm up sets 3 working sets
4. Archer pull-ups or pullovers
5. Negative pullups
@beerandjesus Holy shit dude, I saw your Youtube video a while back, your transformation is unbelievable. Thanks for your post, this will keep me motivated. I'm at month 3 now and I'm starting to see the difference.
@beerandjesus Good stuff! Apologies if I've missed it, but what is your calisthenic routine? I'm the same height and similar body type to you (don't have the same power lifting background) so was hoping I could use what you have done to build my own framework.
@ksaints My workout plan is.

Basically it goes in circuits every eight days so
Day 1 - Chest+Triceps
Day 2 - Legs + Shoulders
Day 3 - Back+Biceps+Abs+Grip
Day 4 - work so i dont know what I do there (cardio, hiit etc)
Day 5 - Chest+Triceps
Day 6 - Legs + Shoulders
Day 7 - Back+Biceps+Abs+Grip
Day 8 - work so i dont know what I do there (cardio, hiit etc)

+Cardio somedays when I feel like mostly 3-4 times in the span of 8 days

And workout for calisthenics looks like this for most part at least now.

Warmup: Australian pull-ups 3sets x 15 reps
Warmup: couple pullups/explosive pullups

Workout begins
Muscle up try's 5 sets (in the process of learning and doing it first while fresh)
Weighted pull-ups 5 sets per 3-6 reps
Explosive pull-ups 5 sets per 4-6 reps
Some skill moves like archer pull-ups for couple sets about 3
Then maybe pullovers or chin-ups or just regular pullups for 3 more sets
Then I do core 3-8 sets of Lsit+Hanging leg raises/knee raises
Sometimes in the end I do one arm dead hang 3 sets per max time which is around 30 seconds.

Hope this helps!