My ab journey (with pictures)

@sinbad2014 Congrats! Might be a bit off topic, but what shoes did you wear for all those steps? LOL Whenever I take a trip to Asia, my feet are DYING by the end of each day after 20,000+ steps/day (might have a small case of plantars or something)....
@sinbad2014 What is your diet like? I’m also 5 1 and I workout a lot and started lifting. I feel like I gained weight once I started lifting but I can’t tell if it’s muscle or fat and I’m currently at 117lbs. Looking to shrink and tone a little haha
@corey7973 I try to eat around 1200-1500 calories a day (check out r/1200isplenty - they have a lot of low calorie recipes and inspire me to eat healthier). I have a snack at 11 am (usually yogurt and fruit), lunch at 1 pm (meal prepped burrito bowl, or chicken/steamed vegetables or pasta) and dinner at 6-7 pm (some sort of asian dish without rice). I don't snack that much anymore either since I started fasting :)
@sinbad2014 I’ve been doing fasting since January, but slipped up when I got sick in June. I need to get back on that and really stick to meal prepping!! Thanks for sharing :) you look amazing!
@sinbad2014 Thanks for this! Love seeing stats from 5'1" folks. I am the same height and look pretty similar to you, I fluctuate between 108-110 and am a runner looking to do more corework.

Also currently tracking TDEE in the spreadsheet this sub shared, and excited to see the results! I eat way more than 1200-1500 cals a day because most weeks I am running quite a bit, do you find it difficult to eat that amount given the exercise you do? Or perhaps you don't do a ton of cardio so that amount is perfect?
@ninalove13 I got inspired by r/1200isplenty and now follow that subreddit religiously to eat volume-based meals for lower calories. I do find myself more hungry after running and hiking (which I don't do as often as weight training) but I still try to eat relatively healthy (maybe yogurt or eggs after those days). Hope this helped!
@shahinshahadot It's this stand and you raise your legs (as straight as possible) to crunch your abs. I am trying to progress from the captain's chair to the bar since that works out your abs better (so you don't have that cushion in the back to support yourself). It's really difficult because your arms usually give out before your abs :( Thank you!
@paceamore I am gaining muscle! My biceps and shoulders have been more defined since I began weight-lifting. I do eat less compared to my old habits but I ensure there's a lot of protein! If you check out r/1200isplenty there are a lot of low-calorie but fulfilling recipe ideas!
@sinbad2014 did you do any cardio besides hiking to lose the 10lbs?

i'm also 5'1 but have been struggling to get to 115 :( i'm fluctuating around 121 right now. I started off at 150 2 years ago but i'm really trying to slim down now