My ab journey (with pictures)

@electrics I used to run for 10 minutes on the treadmill on a 1.5 incline (around level 5 to 6) before starting abs. I haven't ran in the past 3 weeks since I've gotten a little lazy, but will probably start that soon! That's amazing that you've gone down that much! Just try and walk as much as possible, be mindful of what you eat (especially since we're shorter, we need to consume less calories than your average 5'5" woman), and stay active! You got this :)
@sinbad2014 I've only been doing keto and weight lifting, but since i've stalled at 121, i'm trying to add a bit of cardio into the mix (as much as i hate it) even if it's just a mile after my workouts. I'm not sure if I'm actually eating enough, right now i'm at 1100 calories, only because my bf said i was eating way too little (i used to eat 800-1k only)

how long did it take you to get from 117 to 108 ish?
@sinbad2014 Really glad you posted this! I started going to the gym in March but haven't found the perfect abs workout. This might be it! I'm 5'4" 127 lbs. with a goal weight of 120 lbs (& a backup goal of 113 ha) & my stomach has gotten flatter & I've spotted maybe ONE ab, but this is awesome.
@brodieman That's awesome! Once the stomach gets flatter, you can kill it more with these ab moves :) just make sure you're doing them with control to really activate your abdominal muscles. With abs, it doesn't matter how many reps you can do in a short period of time - the key is to have proper form and pace!
@sinbad2014 mine is just a watered down version of yours. I mix it up between two circuits

Rep Circuit (repeat 3-5x, no rest between exercises)

10 side bend (+35lbs)

20 russian twist (+10lbs)

10 leg raises

20 butterfly crunches

Static Hold Circuit (repeat 3-5x, no rest between exercises)

Plank (45sec)

Side Plank (30sec)

Reverse Plank (30sec)

Hollow Body hold (30sec)
@monera Thank you so much! I would recommend watching this video, particularly when he talks about the proper plank form and incorporating a crunch-like movement in your routine. The plank form is killer but works! :)
@sinbad2014 Same height here. Relatable on every pound making you look very much different. I had the same experience when I travelled 3 weeks with 30k steps on average daily. I actually can't really believe my figure gets much better than this. I look pretty much like your first photo now, with running 4-5 times a week lol. Not much else in the meantime though. Maybe I should try to add fitness to my routine too.