My first chin ups!!


New member
I, a 25 y/o 128lb F, did 6 chin ups today! No band, either! I've been doing crossfit for a little over 4 months now, and, with my embarrassing lack of upper body strength, I didn't think I'd be doing chin ups so soon! I wasn't even going to try them because I didn't think I could. But one of the coaches said "just try it." I was so scared to fail, but getting my face over the bar was such a huge ego boost!
@ratnakar Me too! My box isn't afilliate, it's a gym that has a ring for kickboxing, a tatami for jiu jitsu and weight room for the curlz. And an open space for the CF classes and open box.

Everytime someone rings the PR bell, everyone stops what they're doing to cheer you and clap. Such a cool environment
@kristeen Not really. The past 5 weeks we've been doing gymnastics MWF, so that's probably helped. I've been making it a point to do banded pullups or jumping pullups (depending on how fast the WOD is supposed to be) instead of ring rows. I don't think I can do a regular pullup, and TBH I didn't even think I could do a chin up.
I wish I had more to tell you!! Good luck on your way! I can't wait to upvote your post!!
@bornagainbride That's what I did once ring rows got to be too easy. Or jumping pull ups, depending on how fast the workout was supposed to be. I did as many dead-hang pullups as I could before my arms quit, and then attempted kipping with a bad. Super awkward though; I kept getting hit in the face with the band. Good luck with your WOD tonight!!