Mark Rippetoe's chin-up protocol for fixing Golfers Elbow

@sannya So crazy, I have been dealing with Golfers elbow for a long time and it just recently has gotten so bad that it is effecting almost everything I do. I was researching different therapy for it and this post popped up on my feed. :)
@sannya I’m not familiar with this specific YouTuber so perhaps he’s already qualified and you can ignore this advice, but otherwise I would recommend at least visiting a Physical Therapist and discussing this with them. Especially in regards to rehabilitating an injury. You could potentially be doing harm to your body that he is unaware of. If he has the necessary qualifications than by all means feel free to ignore this.
@bibbigo As I mentioned elsewhere on this thread, isolation exercises worked best for me. There are two reasons: 1) Isolation lets you control resistance best. 2) Golfer's Elbow is super complex because the pain manifests at a common tendon. There are multiple motions that can trigger pain at that common tendon and rehab is specific to the right motion.

So, doing a compound exercise to rehab an injury at the common tendon is a little questionable. How do you know what type of Golfer's Elbow you have? How can you say: "Just do Chin-ups to fix your Golfer's Elbow?" That's somewhat akin to saying, "Ah, your check engine light is on. Just refill your oil and everything will be fine." Yes, it will work if your oil is the problem, but no, it won't work if the oil isn't the problem.
@sannya I had it for 2 years....

The thing that works is rest dude... and even after that, you need to train knowing you have had a chronic issue, and manage volume appropriately for your body.

@khuleman It’s well known that tendon injuries don’t heal properly from rest. You may go to being pain free but more than likely the problem will return as soon as you resume. Light high rep eccentrics are often recommended (reverse wrist curls on a flex bar) but this didn’t quite do it for me. I was surprised to see a heavier protocol recommended and it turned out that it actually worked great.
@sannya Appreciate the response brother.

I tried all of the well-known protocols (especially flex bar) and didn’t have much success with them. Who knows though!
@sannya yep had the same thing while learning to do pull ups , its sort of like how i cured mine , with slow perfect form chin ups , plus yoga stretches for golfers elbow , i think the key is to slow it right down , stretch out the elbow continuously though out the day , but yes took about 6 weeks to cure ,
@sannya Thanks for this.

I gave myself quite bad golfers elbow from doing chin ups. My solution was to take a year off. Not ideal but i didn't find any others. I can do both pull and chins again but i'm slower and more focused on from and time under tension than high reps. So far so good, though i still have some pain some times.
@sannya Interesting. I injured a wrist and ever since, pullups have hurt like hell. I never thought about my wrists, but I'm sure I was flexing them. I'll have to take a look at this.