My outdoor bodyweight gym. It's not much but it's mine

@usexpat97 You've covered all of the bases there with parallel bars, two pull up bars, and a way to hang rings. It doesn't take much to get a lot done. It looks like it'll definitely do the job fine.
@usexpat97 Yeah this looks incredible. As someone who is looking to do something like this soon, is there anything else you think you've been missing at all? Do you think adding a horizontal ladder would be difficult? My current bodyweight gym is my floor, my wall and my desk.
@shawngenecox I think I've managed to cover most bases (especially as I'm starting out). The only addition needed is some extra bracing and a high stand for one legged squats. But I can do those on a wall so no rush.

A horizontal ladder should not be too much work. My main issues are getting materials and spousal dispensation.
@usexpat97 Looks great, although I would add 2 more bars . One on lowest point almost on the ground between those two bars for pull ups and one in maybe in the middle or something similar. The lowest one will increase stability and you can use it for push ups and the middle one can be used for rows. The second one isnt necessary and u Can just hang rings for rows instead .
Just an idea you can rethink off or just use it to figure out something on you own.
@usexpat97 It’s a nice set up ! Cool that you were creative and used stuff laying around.

I’m guessing everybody knows but me, but what’s the benefit of the two bars stacked vertically?
@caseyluvsdisney It's a pull up bar for the kids. If you look closely you'll see it's resting on supports rather than embedded in the frame. I can remove when I want to do pull ups.

In fact I may put an extra pair of supports lower down for rows.
@usexpat97 Aye man, whatever works! I’m tryna make a pull-up bar to mount on the wall in my basement. I do dips off the end of my bench, but I’d love bars to do dips on. TBH You made a real nice setup!

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