New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

@ianfaith I'm in! I'm doing BTFC as well, so hopefully this will keep me on track after that ends. I'm moving from Hawaii to GA to be with my bf in two weeks, and I'm optimistic that being in these challenges will help me stay focused during the move and reunion with the bf (whom I haven't seen since Jan...getting to the gym will difficult)! It is so motivating to read all your goals! I keep being like, "oh, thats a good one too" Lets do it!
@ianfaith I'm in. The last two months have been the worst of my life. Really, really trying shit. I've been inconsistently following an Erin Stern lifting program since Feb that has at least seen me develop a good starting strength, but my eating has been crap and I've managed to put on over 4 kilos despite being fitter than I was those 4 kilos ago. This challenge is perfectly timed. Let's do it.
@niblo Yeah it's a set your own goals for twelve weeks from now sort of challenge. Some people say they want to lose a certain amount of weight, some have exercise related pr goals, and more I'm sure.

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