New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?

@ianfaith Great! I wouldn't mind doing this. I already have goals and milestones I reach and commit to them since January, but it'll be nice to share and celebrate with others who are also working out as well. :)
@ianfaith It'll be nice! I just came back from family time in Ohio and brought my own health food with me. I got a lot of "why are you exercising?" from uncles who had no clue why I cared at all about weight lifting and strength exercises and from aunts who state I don't need to lose weight because I'm smaller than all of them. Buuuuhhhhhhhh.

Solidarity all the way!
@welmadixson Definitely! Elaborate your goals on Monday's thread and maybe users can give you input on which to best accomplish for the next 12 weeks. Some skills build on others over time.
@ianfaith First thought: Oh, cool! Maybe I'll do this next time, I don't want to right now.

Second thought: Why not now? You just got back to the gym and you start working with a trainer next week. Now is the BEST time.

Third thought: reads "You're never going to "feel like it." Just do it" ... Damn it.
@ianfaith I'm gonna be generally active, but I'm going to be backpacking around, so checking in and sticking to goals isn't really conducive with my (lack of) plans.

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