New 12-Week Fitness Challenge?


New member

Starting Monday April 6th and ending on Monday June 29th.

New Spreadsheet

I'll start Check-In Threads every Monday to see where we're all at.

Right now, in whatever calendar app or journal you use to schedule your life, jot down a reminder to update your row in the spreadsheet every Monday from April 6th until June 29th.

While success is great, please share failures too. We learn from failures and maybe another user has been there and they can provide tips to get better. The truth is a gung-ho attitude cannot carry you through 12 weeks of new activity. A word that embodies this is:

— (noun) (German) the intense euphoric sensation you experience from thinking about future plans and daydreams. This beautiful feeling is a natural reaction the human mind manifests from expectations of future pleasures and joyful anticipations, such as planning a trip, going on a date, and many other fulfilling, life-changing events.

Let's create new habits and/or strengthen the existing positive ones.

Also, this TED talk gets to the heart of the matter. You're never going to "feel like it." Just do it.

@ianfaith Quick question for you xxfitness - In regards to this 12 week challenge, are we allowed to comment on other people's entries on the spreadsheet? Or is it better to pm users individually? I'm seeing some others making good choices and I just want to say good job or offer support somehow. Is this ok or no?
@ianfaith Just stumbled across this (only found this reddit a few days ago), and definitely joining in - although my aims will be to just get a few different fitness-related habits forming!
@ianfaith I'm signing up - this will be my first 12 week challenge. The timing seems nice, punching up the waning new year's resolution energy. My main goals for the year are splits, walkovers and a 15 second handstand.
@ianfaith Long time lurker here. I've decided to join this fitness challenge. A couple of months ago I really decided to start tracking what I eat and cooking all my meals. I fell off the wagon this past week, so this challenge comes at a good time for me. I did very well before this week, and think that this challenge will help me give an extra push! :) I'm training for my first half marathon in May, and doing the Warrior Dash in July. Lots of exciting things on the horizon this summer!!
@ianfaith This is perfect since I'll be in the states until July 1st, after that it will be harder to find a good gym. Anyone has a specific workout plan or meal plan? I'll be doing the Erin Stern Elite Body 4-week fitness program and then find something else to do or maybe repeat it.

I have a meal plan on campus currently, so I usually make sure to get the healthy food: salads and any meat they're offering for my protein intake.

If anyone has any other thing to add please let me know, I've been at this university for a year and a half and I still lack discipline.
@ianfaith Long-time lurker, finally breaking the silence...I'm in :) (Or at least I will be tomorrow when I get back to my laptop.)

I have a slew of medical appointments over the next few months. So while the doctors try to fix all the bits that are broken, I'm going to focus on making my non-broken bits more awesome. Bonus points if my surgeon comments on how swole I'm getting.