New Home Gym


New member
x-post from /r/homegym, since through the process of first discovering, and then choosing Rogue I've quickly become a fan of Crossfit. Not my original intention, but my home gym ended up slanting in that direction & I'm quickly getting hooked. Ha.

Here are the pics w/ story below

home gym photos

95% completed - need a few more plates, barbell storage, etc. Every time I go to Rogue's site I end up ordering something new (prior to last month I never considered buying gymnastics rings, and yet they should be delivered tomorrow - FFS). Other than spending considerably more $ than I originally planned, I'm very happy with how it turned out. Thanks to the folks on r/homegym who saved me from making a bad decision a few weeks ago.

The what (big stuff):
  • Rogue RM-6 rack
  • Rogue bumpers (buying colors made my wife happy)
  • Rogue 2.0 bar & a generic one from Gymsource
  • Rep Fitness benches (flat & adjustable)
  • Powerblocks Classic 50 & U-90
  • True treadmill
  • Concept 2 rower
  • CycleOps 300PRO cycle
I already had the space as a workout room w/ the treadmill, bike, TRX, and PB 50s, but we still have a family Y membership, while paying for LA Fitness (me), and Orange Theory (her). Needless to say, those things add up, and with 4 active kids we often end up skipping the gym due to life getting in the way. As if that wasn't justification enough, the real kicker for me came a few months ago when my oldest son started wanting to regularly lift weights (which I love being able to do with him). He's entering HS and playing football, so the timing just seemed right. Between him & the younger ones I'm hoping / expecting to get our money's worth and then some. That's my story anyway...
@nae64 Yep - it's upstairs. Had an engineer look at everything & give me a green light before I started, but honestly, prior to a month ago the thought of purposely dropping weights never occurred to me.

Don't tell my wife, but now that I'm starting down the CF path I'm already thinking about where & how I can carve out space for platform downstairs.
@rjay4jesus I was more thinking of the localized damage of dropping weight. I've seen the wear on a lifting platform, and those are designed for weights to be dropped.
@rjay4jesus Awesome work. I'd love to do something like that. I just need a little more space.

Can't wait to work out with my cool that you get to do that. There are a few families that work out at my box and it's cool to see how hard the youngins are working. I can only imagine if my dad took me to CF back I the day.....
@kristeen Thanks man. That day will come before you're ready - I assure you!. While I'd trade everything I have to stop time and keep the kids from getting older, I have to admit it's a lot of fun to smack talk my 14yo in the weight room. Unfortunately that window closes pretty quickly too...
@sniffaroo It seems pretty solid - I really like it so far. Besides, a soft box seemed like the smart choice to avoid bloody shins. It took my 8 & 10 year olds all of 30 seconds to start jumping on / off of it the day it was delivered.