New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

@nathan2018 I started going to the gym and discovered this sub in spring 2023. I didn’t set any strict goals as I didn’t want to get demotivated once I didn’t hit goals which worked out because I’ve been pretty consistent in going to the gym 3x a week at least and walking around 10k steps most days.

2024 I want to lose 10 lbs and continue to go to the gym at least 3x a week. I know this will force me to count my calories and make sure I’m getting enough protein.
@eshaun92 Haha I get so confused at what gets down voted sometimes.

I had what I thought was a pretty realistic goal after spending the last 18 months trying to take it easy and not over do it, but waking up on new years day and struggling to get out of bed has made it seem impossible .

I'll just have to find something else to focus my year on.
@nathan2018 I want to get pregnant in 2024. It would be best for both mother and child for me to be more normal weight. I'm also working on less caffeine intake and more fiber/vegetables.
@nathan2018 I hit my 2023 goal of 15,000 tracked movement minutes on the Peloton app! That included: walks, pole, spin, strength, running, etc.

For 2024: 16,000 tracked movement minutes.

This is my ideal weekly schedule:
2 x pole class (take or teach)
2 x full body strength
1 x Peloton ride
5 x mobility/stretching

I signed up for the membership from my pole mentor so I’m super excited to learn a lot more and develop my pole skills!

I’d love to build up more strength so that I can work on my floats in pole (iykyk)
@nathan2018 I would like to be able to do 10km by the end of the year. I want to be able to do it with my dog (a feat of training in itself). Other than that, keep doing what I am doing (lifting and being active) but see if I can involve activities with my husband more (he has expressed interest after seeing my strength/health gains so I‘d love for us to fInd strength in healthy habits together).

Other than that, learn some new “go to” healthy recipes.

And do more art. Always try to do more art.
@nathan2018 Goal for this year is either a trekking vacation I've been coveting, or several shorter domestic trips to practice longer day hikes. I'm cautiously optimistic that my year-long foot issue was caused by my stubborn failure to understand that MY flat feet are an anatomical, congenital thing, not just lazy lack of exercise, and there's no shame in adding orthotics to my minimal shoes. I'm maybe 75% healed now and starting to do short easy hikes, an hour or two.

And if my IBS goes dormant again, obviously upping my vegetable variety/volume is a huge goal. Fingers crossed.
@nathan2018 In 2023 I hit some goals, like benching 135, but with the stress of finishing grad school and finding a job I didn’t prioritize PRs. Then when I started a new program and started feeling good with my progress, my piriformis tightened up to where I didn’t feel secure that my low back could handle heavy weight. So that was disappointing, but going into the New Year I’m feeling better and it shifted my goals.

In 2024 I want to finish that program I started, not expecting to hit huge PRs yet. But to finish it uninjured. I also want to gain strength through all ranges of motion and muscle lengths. I want to improve my mobility and stability. As much as I want to hit crazy numbers, I want to lift for as many years as I can and be proactive with injury prevention.

I hope everyone finds success or progress with their 2024 goals!!
@nathan2018 I do monthly goals. Each month I pick a new small goal and do it consistantly. If I like it at the end of the month, it stays. If I don't, then I ditch it.
@nathan2018 My goal for 2023 was basically to get back into regular fitness without injuring myself. Midlife goals! Lol.

My goal for 2024 is to work up to a more moderate workout schedule from my beginner one. I'm currently doing two strength-training and one pilates per week, and find an add-on philosophy works for me. So my cardio has finally gotten to a point where I will probably need to add an additional workout to maintain my 150 minutes per week goal, so that's next week's plan.

There was something I found when googling ideas for people who, like me, like to do strength-training, pilates, and cardio called the 3-2-8 method. It basically means 3 strength training and 2 pilates or barre per week, and then averaging 8000 steps per day. That would be a good goal to have as my schedule by year's end. It does mean I'll have to get to a point with pilates where it's more of an active recovery for me and doesn't require a full rest day afterwards, as it does now, and then getting over my plantar fasciitis for the steps. And probably adding an upper/lower body strength training split to make the three days work and still get enough rest.

And if I have exceeded my at home system by the fall and need to join a gym in order to keep improving, that would make me feel like I was making good progress. So that's a bonus goal.
@vaniilla I've also struggled with plantar fasciitis & allowed myself to substitute cycling instead of steps. I measure it as 10 mins = 1000 steps.

It's not exactly the same, but it allowed me a bit of forgiveness & grace on days that my feet were stopping me from normal life.