New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

@nathan2018 I didn’t really set any fitness goals for 2023, but I did start going on walks almost every day which is a win! I also made peace with my body even though I’m currently a bit heavier than normal/than my ideal.

For 2024, I’m looking forward to being more active in general. My goal is to work up to yoga 2-3 times per week, and I’m going to start with doing a 30-day yoga challenge to get myself back into the habit. I also miss lifting weights, so I’m going to try to do that 2-3 times per week too.

I’ll be starting from a place of being mostly sedentary this past year (it was a rough year and exercise got deprioritized), so my goals honestly feel a little lofty right now. However, I’ve been making small steps in the right direction and I really miss my old exercise routine (3x/week yoga, 3x week lifting), so I’m hoping setting these goals will help motivate me to prioritize fitness again. In the meantime, my non-exercise goal is to appreciate my progress towards those fitness goals, no matter how small.
Oh and my strategy I’ve been using to start getting a tiny bit more exercise in (emphasis on tiny bit) is I do crunches while I brush my teeth and I do squats while I wash my face and hair. This year I rarely had energy to dedicate to exercising, but it felt manageable to squeeze it in while doing these small daily things—that way even if I didn’t do a full workout, I still did something.
@nathan2018 Did you meet your 2023 fitness goals? What did you learn in the process?

I benched a plate, finally squatted 2 plates but did not deadlift 3 plates which is sad cuz I worked on my deadlift the most. My current deadlift PR is 305.

What are you excited to achieve in 2024? Share your fitness-related New Year’s Resolutions and/or fitness goals for 2024, and discuss your plan for achieving those goals

I want to bench 185, squat 275, and deadlift 4 plates lol.
My rotator cuffs and pecs need to get stronger. I've been doing pause db bench, weighted dips and rehab work for rotator cuffs. Alsooo trying to improve my arch by an inch or two. I've been doing back bridges.

Oh and it's the year of the pause. I've been pause squatting which I think has really helped. And doing ab wheels has really strengthed my core which def has helped with my squat!
@nathan2018 I gained quite a bit during the pandemic and I’m still having a difficult time losing weight. Though if anything, I managed to figure out routines for me and I’m excited to get back into it!

2024 goals: lose the pandemic weight, improve my flexibility and range of motion, and get some proper sleep and hydration! I’m back to the gym maybe starting tomorrow since they’re currently closed for the holidays but I signed up for pilates as a supplement! I also just finished my short yoga routine.
@nathan2018 I learned a lot about myself and the gym this year. I started getting serious about exercise and diet again after about 10 years of casual gym. I became the leanest I've ever been, then quickly gained back all the weight and more after my unsustainable diet crashed and burned. I want to be more sustainable with my diet this year.

This year I want to 1. Diet in a sustainable way, 2. Spin once a week, 3. Bench 1 plate, squat 200 lbs, DL 2 plates by the end of 2024

As much as I don't like it, I'm extremely externally motivated. If I hit a rut, I can't get myself out of it. I need other people to really bust my balls. I would love to get a little accountability group going. I was thinking maybe a small discord community where we can support each other, post progress pics, post lift numbers, give diet advice/tips, and give that external push when we need it (please yell at me to spin). If there are a few ladies interested I can get something going (or if this already exists, I would love to join!)

edit: setting up a little discord server for lifting/gen fitness goals. DM me for link :)
@sot I would be really interested in the discord accountability group as well! Trying to get back into a consistent workout routine after a hard 3 years. I also struggle with balanced eating, I ether restrict or emotionally eat and am trying to find a balance with this. And find a way to lose the extra covid pounds on top which is really hard to do. Sounds like you have some really great goals! Good luck with them!
@sot I would definitely be interested in a discord accountability group! Also, I appreciate your comment about dieting in a sustainable way. That’s one of my health goals this year too. It’s so hard to find a balance in my eating sometimes!
@nathan2018 Didn't really have 2023 health goals other than to lose Covid weight (went from 153 to 130, currently at plateau of 135), rehab a fractured patella, and keep getting to the gym. I've only managed two gym visits most weeks for 1.5 hour sessions of cardio and weights. I struggled to get there but am motivated by knowing how good I'll feel after!

2024 goals: Increase activity levels: gym 3x/week and home exercise 2x/week, incorporate several stretching sessions/week, start riding my bike on weekends, take more long walks, get more sleep and drink more water daily!

Happy New Year everyone, and good luck with your fitness goals for 2024!
@musichub This is a great goal. Realizing I need 60 minutes a day of cardio has been key to a happy adult life

I set my weekly garmin activity goal to 600 minutes, I hit it almost every week, usually 750ish (garmin counts intense activity as 2x)