non-stop leg cramps, can’t even walk on the treadmill


New member
i used to be super fit last year and could easily run a 10K, follow long HIIT workouts, and just was in overall good shape. i took a couple months off and didn’t think i’d lose that much strength.

within the past week or two i’ve increased my exercise a lot trying to get back there, and i’m having more muscle cramps than ever before. i might’ve pushed myself too far too fast, but even after resting for a couple days i can’t hold yoga poses without my hamstring acting up. i walk down the stairs after a 15 min workout and my quads start cramping.

i still want to be burning enough calories every day, i just don’t know how long it’ll take for my body to adjust.

i’m wondering if there’s anything i can do besides resting and waiting it out? i try to keep myself hydrated w electrolytes, and started getting into yoga to improve my flexibility (but i can’t stretch without cramping right now). any advice is appreciated!!
@seeker7013 Can't advise as I'm just a lurker, but someone posted a month or two back about getting Rhabdomyolysis when they got back into working out after a break - just wanted to throw that out there so you can keep an eye on your body in case you have any symptoms that make you feel like you might need to get tested. It's just a blood test, so your primary doctor or any urgent care or clinic could likely check you out to give you direction.
@rumbug I watched a linked video from that post of a case study where the damage was initially minor, but continuous pushing would restart the process. So it seemed like it can be somewhat cyclical. Not trying to fear monger, just wanted to put it out there in case they have other symptoms like headaches and such develop that they didn't think to mention. But good to know how it develops, thank you!
@seeker7013 I second the potassium deficiency comment, but also I'm not sure how those propel packets call themselves 'electrolyte powder' it's all vitamins and salt, there is potassium in the ingredients list but not in the active form or enough quantity to matter. To produce energy muscles need sodium and potassium, it sounds like your flushing your system with too much sodium not enough potassium. Also could be a magnesium problem, deficiency often causes cramping.

I recommend ultima replenisher - includes potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium, calcium, chloride, phosphorus, and vitamin C also sugar free with stevia extract or sugar alcohols rather than Splenda in the propel pack.