October 2020 --> SW: 185lbs (GW:125lbs) CW: 160lbs <---May 2021


New member
October 2nd 2020:
  • WAIST: 31
  • HIPS: 46
November 12th 2020:
  • Waist: 30
  • Hip: 47
  • Stomach: 39
  • Thighs: R 28 L 27
May 15th 2021:
  • Waist: 28.5
  • Hip: 44
  • Stomach: 37.5
  • Thighs: R 26.5 L 25.5
  • Waist: 2.5 inches
  • Hip: 3 inches
  • Stomach: 2.5 inches
  • Thighs: RIGHT 1.5 inches LEFT 1.5 inches
  • October 16th 2020: I started by going on runs 4 days/week until mid november when the weather got too bad. I was not seeing any difference in my weight and it was so frustrating. (SW: 182-185lbs)
  • November 8th 2020: I began doing home workouts alongside running, I did HIIT and/or body weight exercises 5 days/week until January. Once I started this I began seeing some results. (Nov 8th SW: 181lbs)
  • December 2020: I was overwhelmed with deadlines so I was not working out as much as usual. (Dec: 172-174lbs)
  • January 2021: My childhood family cat of 20 years passed away and I lost the routine I had tried SO HARD to make because I was depressed.. I don't remember working out at all!!! I think the weight I lost this month was just muscle loss, I had built up so much the HIIT & body weight 5 days a week. (Jan: 175-168lbs)
  • February 2021: I flunctuated from 166 to 167 to 165 the entire month of being in my bed.
  • March 2021: Started the month at 165 and ended the month at 170 one day. I was having problems with binging & stress. ):
  • April 2021: I was very upset with my body but I have pretty much been medium functioning depressed since january. I still could not get myself into the routine of working out because I was overwhelmed with just existing. I did start to go on walks almost everyday on April 17th and try to eat more mindfully & slowly so my body has time to register how much I was eating!! I began walking at least 7k steps 5 days a week in April. (Apr: 169-163lbs)
  • May 2021: I have been walking a little less and fluctuated the first week of may from 163 to 165 back to 163! Now when I do walk it is 10k at least! I have been really paying attention to how much I am eating and knowing when I am full etc. (May 17th: 160lbs)-----

I always lose weight in my waist before anywhere else. My thighs & calves are always so stubborn. I went down to 147lbs in March 2018 but I still felt so bad because of my legs :mad: My goal is to get to 125, I was much happier when I got down to 147 a few years ago but I did not continue to work out once I got there. I gradually gained it back (especially over lockdown, I was 160ish when It started)

I would appreciate if people could confirm there is a difference so maybe I can start convincing myself I don't look the same. It is so hard to find before and afters with my body type!!! I feel like I just shrink my body but I look the same until around I get to around 150lbs ):


Left: October 31st 2020 (182 LBS)

Right: May 17th 2021 (160 LBS)

They definitely feel better. They are a size UK 14 divided (Mom High Ankle Jeans). Highest size of these at H&M. It is hard to see a difference to me, I have a hard time knowing what I actually look like.



LEFT: October 18th 2020 (185LBS)

RIGHT: May 17th 2021 (160LBS)

@coolant Congrats on your progress! My legs are also so stubborn to lose weight and it's frustrating. I never wear shorts, even pretty close to my GW (I'm at 121 now, GW is about 115-118). However, strength training is really helping my confidence in my legs! I'm getting some definition in my calves and thighs. I can't wear any of my skinny jeans, but that's fine for me.

Keep up the good work!
@thunter1822 My aim everyday is 1350 maximum!! I try to keep my calories at 1200-1400 mostly because I recently have not been moving around much and that is the amount I need to be in a deficit when I am sedentary.

When I was working out 5 days a week, I was aiming for 1400 a day because I was burning a few hundred from the workouts. If I am going out and want to eat my maintenance calories or slightly more, I eat like 1500-1700?

I kinda tell myself if I go over my deficit to just stay around my maintenance calories because it won't matter!! It is helpful to figure that out so you don't feel guilty when you "overeat" your deficit, even going over your maintenance a lil bit is okay when you have an event or something fun. It does not set you back at all compared to spiraling & going back to bad habits!