OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@dontdosadness Having spreadsheet templates (in Google Sheets for example) would be a nice step-up from PDF, as it will allow us to edit / customize them.

(Just to be clear: I'm very thankful for the existing PDF worksheets. Thank you to whoever made them available to all of us.)
@jshollinger It's a much gentler introduction than the RR, that's for sure.

BWF Strength Foundation will ideally come out in Feb, but its very much pending how much work that I and the other mods can do on it while also juggling life and work responsibilities. In the meantime, the existing RR would reasonably take the place of it, as a 'beginner but not TOTAL beginner' routine.

I've got a good amount of it outlined, but the finer details have yet to be devised and it's also not properly gone through the mod discussion process, but even once it's released, it may go through some iterative improvements in the initial period after release pending feedback from the community once people have had an opportunity to run it for a number of weeks, so it won't necessarily be the final version that you see first. Hard to replace something that's gone through the process of years of iterative improvement in one go!
@dontdosadness Perfect timing. I'm nearing the "weighted" progressions of the RR. Honestly been loosing commitment at the highest progressions.

My overall suggestion: a routine for maintenence after hitting the "goal" of BWF Strength Foundation Routine. I might be satisfied with my fitness and physique at that point and want pointers on how to maintain rather than continue building.

I'll echo the voices that the documentation of the RR is not helpful and inviting for a new person. It took me a few false starts before I finally felt that I knew enough to follow the plan. The lack of a printable checklist was a stumbling block for a little while, too, until I made my own.

Finally, thanks for the RR. It has been super helpful!
I might be satisfied with my fitness and physique at that point and want pointers on how to maintain rather than continue building.

Yea I was always curious about this. Like I'm 32 with a career and kids inc, so I'm kinda more interested in maintaining than trying to hit new squat highs. What would a maintenance routine look like?
@dawn16 A printable checklist would be fantastic. One of the 1st things I did when getting into the RR was make myself one.

The biggest issue is that everyone starts at different progressions for each exercise, and needs different form cue reminders, has different goals and accessory work, etc. It would have to be either generic enough that it is unhelpful, or modular enough that you practically have to make it yourself anyway at which point pencil and paper almost makes more sense so you can erase and re-write as you go.

I considered some sort of website or app that lets you quickly build a sheet in a modular way and print it, but it really is just easier to pencil and paper it out. Maybe I'll make a post at some point of the format I use and see what others do, see if there isn't a good concensus...
@dontdosadness This is great and I look forward to seeing it! I'm about 23 weeks pregnant right now, but still going to the gym. Hope to incorporate some of these guides post partum!
@dontdosadness Thank you so much! I started with the RR (2017 version) in March when lockdown started. I can honestly say that it's changed my life and I look and feel better in my mid-40s than ever before. At a glance, it looks like I'll be headed toward the Weighted BWF Routine (just got my first 12lb weighted vest since all this began). Looking forward to it. Thanks again!
@farmergal hey urko, i am in the same situation, except that I've started in may instead of march :) And so I finally reached also the level to include weights in my training. Do you mind telling me which weighted vest you bought? And if you mind adding, why you haven't bought a weight belt instead?
@ardy No problem!

I got this Aduro Sport Vest from Amazon and have been really happy with it so far. I was tempted to get a higher weight but a lot of the reading suggested to start with 12lbs and work my way up. I'd definitely agree that starting slow is the way to go.

I went with the vest for comfort and the feeling of stability (just a personal preference over the belt) but I can see how a belt would be preferable for adding more weight over time. I'm not ruling the belt out; the vest just works better for me at this point. :)
@farmergal My 2 cents is that a belt and a sturdy backpack lets you add weight in a more modular fashion for significantly less money. I try to tell myself the diy and instability is part of the draw...
@dontdosadness I just got into the current RR. Is there going to be a huge amount of re-learning to be done? And will the current RR still be available on the wiki as a "Legacy RR"? Or is it going to be wiped from existence?