OFFICIAL RR UPDATE: New Year's New Routine(s)! --- (Coming Up in 2 Weeks: a Total Beginner's Community Exercise Event! ) ---

@kingdomkings I like the idea of having both options, as I suspect it will be possible to mix and match the parts you are interested in between the two, instead of trying to include it all in one.
@onefast3 Based on the outlined routines above, I'm going to guess no. If you're looking for pure hypertrophy posting in the beginner threads will likely get you lots of help in modifying the existing routines to suit your goals.

The majority of this sub is less focused on hypertrophy I find (myself included), but with so many knowledgeable members there is always someone on the same page. If it comes up enough it might even make it into the faq or as a new routine once this massive mountain of proposed work is complete.
@dontdosadness This is awesome! Recently I hit a heavy plateau on the RR which made me unmotivated and I pretty much stopped doing it. Having a way to add some variations and having a specific goal and pinpoints that you could achieve would definitely help a lot.
Will there be a "transition" from RR to those new routines, like if I'm at a certain stage of RR I should now go to "X"?
@dontdosadness I can't wait to see the new beginner workout!! I have tried the existing RR before and found I just didn't vibe with it, maybe the new stuff will work out better.
@dontdosadness I'm thrilled to see how it'll work out. I'm a newbie and a lurker on this sub for a little while now. I wanted to try and get fit using bwf during the lockdown time, but couldn't due to my own procrastination and online school after that. Getting fit is one of my new year's resolutions. I'm trying to make 2021 the year where I improve myself, your re haul of the RR is probably gonna play a good part in it. Thank you for all your help!
@dontdosadness Oh, boy! This is so exciting. I can’t wait for this choose your own adventure plan. Thank y’all so much for the RR and now this. And I got just say, this is especially refreshing to hear because a lot of pple were becoming pretty dogmatic regarding the RR. This is going to be such a breath of fresh air!
@trine Oh hey, I just started working through the RR in the last week and your app is incredibly helpful. If you don't mind me asking, are you updating the current app or making a new one? I'm definitely going to buy the pro version, but just wanna know if I should wait until February if there will be a new one.
@trine Hi I have been using your app for the a year and a half and have purchased pro. It is my go to app for programming my workouts. I was wondering if when you update the android app(I know you have been busy with the apple version) if you could;

make it possible to delete "progressions and Exercises" once created I cannot delete them. It gets very cluttered.

Also if you could make seeing the exercises/progressions visible without creating a new workout/progression that would be fantastic as well.

I have few other suggestion but those are the main ones. Thanks for all the hard work that you have put in this app.
@sopranosam Hey, thank you for your helpful feedback. I'll implement the deletion possibility. Not sure if it will be in the next update. In the IOS Version it will be there from the beginning.
An easy to access Exercise/Progression List would be a good idea too, I think. Do you have an idea where a good place for them could be?
I am also very interested in your other suggestions. Like you said I'm busy with the IOS Version right now, but Android Updates will come too.
@trine Thanks for your reply, I would be more than happy to provide feedback. I have no programing/developing knowledge so some of my suggestions my be seem difficult. But here goes...

Maybe put a tab in the menu under "workouts" for "Progressions" and one for "Exercises". Then in each such tab maybe have the option to create an Exercise and Progression. That way one could see at a quick glance what they have to work with. Then you could take those options away from workout menu. So when creating a new workout, you would just have the option to add a progression, or exercise, but not an option to create a new progression or exercise.

Also under the "Train" tab if in the drop down menu if you could arrange the workouts either alphabetically, or in sub drop down menu. For example, in Train in the drop down menu, you could have another sub menu for "reddit" which would have all the r/bodyweightfitness stuff in it. Then have the ability to create more sub menus for the programs users define.

If you could group the reddit stuff above, or give the option to delete the reddit stuff, that may give your app more longevity, as once one moves past the RR then that just adds clutter, but if buried in a folder, or delete able then one can easily navigate around it.

Finally maybe add the option to add alternate progression in user workouts, like what you have done with the RR.

Sorry if this seem a lot, I really do appreciate this app and find it as essential in my workout regime. Like I said above I have no idea the work involved with my suggestions, so if it is crazy hard please excuse me. Thanks again!
@sopranosam Thanks again. Very appreciated.

You made very good points. I think about organizing workouts and also make creating your own workouts/progression/exercises easier.

Alternating is already possible. Could be a sign of bad UX. :) You can just tap on "Alternate" with the two arrows when you are editing the progression list of your workout.
@trine That only makes the progressions paired, or triplets (unless I'm missing something). I was referencing like setting a workout so you have pistol squats, or shrimp squats etc. Kind of how you added all the alternate progressions to the RR. Hope that makes sense.