Ok, the color coded Google Excel Strong Curve workouts are finished! Enjoy and hope this helps reach your goals!


New member
EDIT: Thanks for the gold! I will probably do Gluteal Goddess too once I reach that workout!

Let me know if you see any problems! Make a copy to be able to add, edit and save your progress :)

Weeks 1-4:


Weeks 5-8:


Weeks 9-12:

  • This is almost to a T the exact Booty-ful Beginnings workout structure (differences and explanations listed below). I just redid what someone else posted but almost everyone's were changed somehow and I really wanted to do the workout correctly first, then maybe switch things as I got comfortable
  • There are 4 sheets. First sheet has all three, the other 3 are the workouts separated for printing purposes. I like to print mine.
  • Research the moves first, the pics are just for reference.
  • "Bodyweight/Dumbbell" or "Bodyweight/Barbell" means you can do either, recommended to start with bodyweight and add weights obviously.
  • Color coding is for each superset exercises and solo exercises.
  • ONLY things that are different:
    • Weeks 1-4:
      • Barbell Bench Press > Barbell OR Dumbbells

        (It specifically says "barbell" but I think a lot of people will argue no difference. Keep in mind a barbell is 45 lbs normally so you would be taking away that weight for dumbbells.)
      • "Foot Elevated Single leg Glute Bridges" > Single Leg Glute Bridges.

        Add elevation to increase difficulty. (AKA, place foot on a bench or box)
      • Crunches > Planks

        Aren't crunches bad for you? Either way nothing wrong with more planks.
      • X-band Walk > Cable Hip Abduction

        I think that people need an alternative for this. Bands are weird and not everyone has one.
    • Weeks 5-8:
      • Nothing really, Cable Hip abductions replace X-band walk.
      • Added Planks in there.
    • Weeks 9-12:
      • Workouts A and C didn't have planks as one of the core exercises and I like to do those everyday. So I just added that in under the first core/ab exercise. Its a good way to up the time you can do planks for!
      • X-band walk is replaced again with Cable abductions, like in Weeks 1-4 and 5-8.
      • I researched Side Bends and they are pretty not good for your lumbar spine so I just replaced it with a well known good side/oblique exercise, Side planks. Might as well do the elevated ones to go with the elevated plank you do before hand.
@teejayde I like to work out in the evenings. I just try to fit them in any day I can. I used to want to do MWF but if I can do tuesday wednesday then friday, then its better than nothing.
@americanhoney Im not sure if you are talking about a specific workout, but just lift and see if its comfortable to lift more than 5 times. Ive recently gotten into doing more reps with lower weight than low reps with much higher weight. So I need to at least be able to do more than 8 comfortably. Once I get past 12, then I push to 15, then I move up in weight.
@kimt1 Hey man, I tried to reply on your posts about DIY FMT but they archived it did you get any luck with that? did your wife got better from the autoimmune? highly appreciate if you can give updates on that
@kimt1 Really appreciate de response, I've been looking into this the last few days, my personal final conclusion was that its a roll of a dice, you can even get good or bad results from it.

I rather work with what I got(my current microbiome) and improve it with diet and lifestyle changes, I would recommend you to take a look into GAPS protocol, its a protocol created by a neuro surgeon to cure her son from autism, its not woo woo stuff and is free, optional if you want to buy her book, I havent see anything like this before, I know this protocol for a long time but we tend to keep looking for something easier, the protocol consists in eating a lot of meat stock made in very particular way to preserve the nutrients, while restricting some triggering foods, low carb diet(you got to starve the bugs that eat sugar) it restricts some types of fibers that is also food for the fungus and bad bacteria, while slowly addding fermented foods, she recommends taking sun to improve gut health, she is agaist use of any supplement besides good probiotics, you should really take a look into this, they have a facebook group and a website www dot gaps dot me.. I have seen a LOT of success stories healing the gut, keep in mind the older you are the slower is the process, for a kid might take 1-2 years, for and older person anything between 2 to 5 years to be completely healed but you do start to see the changes after a few months, I got to do it for 6 months and a few of my intolerances got improved and are even gone. hope you the best my friend !