Orangetheory v CrossFit

@ppat4u I have heard the OTF is quite similar to F45. I currently do 3 x F45 classes + 3 x CrossFit classes per week.

I recently had a Whole Body Scan (I have had several of these over the past few years) & my history shows the exact point I added CrossFit into my schedule. My muscle mass has increased significantly compared to when I was doing F45 alone.

I will continue this mix whilst my current work arrangements continue (F45 is close to work; CrossFit is close to home), but if I had to choose one over the other, I would stick with CrossFit.
@ppat4u My engine was much better with OT. I enjoy CrossFit more. If you eat like shit and drink too much, they are the same results. Pick the one you have most fun with and change your diet. Or, just workout and maintain your current body…that’s what I’ve settled on.
@ppat4u My choice is to maintain monthly membership at my full gym (lift, tennis, pools, Racquetball, basketball, cardio room, TRX/CrossFit room, classes in kickboxing/yoga/boot camp/dance/spin/etc), and whatever else they decide to throw in - I’ll likely partake to keep things fun and fresh. It’s a very nice gym, yet costs less monthly than unlimited in Orangetheory or my local CrossFit boxes.

I buy class packs for Orangetheory and my local CrossFit box and do those when I feel like it. Costs more per class, but makes sense for me, since I don’t go regularly. And they don’t expire so I don’t feel rushed to use them.

I’m currently focused more on lifting, so spending 80% of my time at my full gym.

As far as leaning out, that’s majority in your diet.
@ppat4u I tried so much stuff but CrossFit is the only way. No matter diet if I do CF 5 days a week - my weight goes down . The only cons is permanent pain which you should accept . CrossFit is tough both mentally and physically and you need to force yourself into WoDs sometimes.
@ppat4u If you wanna push yourself - Crossfit is the way to go. Orangetheory is perfect if you’re looking to keep your cardio relatively in shape. But I feel like in OT you’ll peak unless the coach caters to you individually and changes it up for you.

If you get better at the Crossfit movements everything just becomes harder lol
@ppat4u I did orange theory once after having done Cf for 8 years and it was a joke. Instructors were great, members were great, but was not nearly as intense as stuff I’m use to in CF.
@ppat4u I’ve never done OTF but I used to be a 5x a week bikram yogi…now I’m a 5x a week CrossFitter. The changes in my body from yoga to CrossFit have been astounding
@ppat4u I switched from OTF to CF a little over a year ago, for me it was a great decision. I feel the CF community was more welcoming, cheering you on and depending on which CF gym you choose - the coaches and owners invest in you and care! I’ve gotten stronger which has in turn made me feel more confident.

OTF is very cardio focused which is great for your aerobic capacity. You’ll get that in CF but it’s more strength based
@ppat4u I’ve done both. You can get good results with both. You can make both as hard or as easy as you want. Your lack of results isn’t the program. You can’t out work a bad diet. 5 times a week and if you are getting after it you should be getting results.
@ppat4u Whichever one you do, if you don’t have the best diet you’ll struggle to burn the fat either way. Slow and subtle diet alterations over time prove to be the most maintainable, as opposed to jumping straight on a restrictive diet.
@ppat4u I went in looking to build muscle I’ve gotten 300% stronger since I’ve started and gained good weight trust me you’re doing cardio at OT and CF has more weights
@ppat4u I’ve done both and think CrossFit has way better results. OTF was good initially but once you plateau I found the results stopped and the workouts became boring. The crossfit community constantly pushed you to the next level which is engaging and keeps the new results coming!
@ppat4u Having done both, this is the primary difference:

Orange Theory is light-weight, high-rep and low-skill. It's also pretty repetitive as the equipment is limited (you'll be on the treadmill and rower everyday)

Crossfit is far more varied, meaning a greater range of movements and stimuluses' (including weight-training). You could literally go everyday for a year and never do the same thing twice.

One last note is the coaching. GOOD Crossfit boxes have coaches that understand the movements and scaling options, and can taper workouts for the client base. The coach in Orange Theory is really just a cheerleader.
@ppat4u I don't do OTF, but I've been in crossfit due 4.5 years now. I lost 45 lbs pre-pandemic (and put 35 of it back on during, damn it) and am working on that now. That being said, I know folks who did OTF and came to crossfit and never went back. I like lifting and my cardio has improved dramatically from the WODS, but I'm still far heavier than I should be.

Diet is key. I'm a walking example of how exercise won't lead to weight loss without changing your nutrition. I mean, crossfit 4-5 days/wk plus 60-90 minutes walking 4-5 days/wk is LOTS of activity, and I still struggle to lose weight. I eat healthy, but am bad about counting calories or macros. I'm also post menopausal, and that complicates what should be simple (CICO does NOT work for many post menopausal women). Hormones are a thing. What has worked for me is low carb with lots more protein and veggies, and cutting sugar to little or none... but it's SO FUCKING HARD.

Anyway, give it a try. I think you'll end up like the rest of us: addicted. Join the cult. 😄
@ppat4u I started with CrossFit and then tried OTF, and did not see any benefit if I’m being honest. It wasn’t strenuous enough to raise my heart rate, so I never got any points
@ppat4u Losing fat is 95% about what you put into your body. Whether you burn 600 calories at crossfit or OT will not really burn any different amount of fat. I think if body image is your goal they both help but are not tailored for that. Have a look at the crossfit games athletes or the ones at your gym and you may see what I mean. Crossfit is super fun though.