Please reassure me my home gym isn’t dumb

@evachristine I think having a home gym is a great thing, I have one in my basement and haven't been to a outside gym in years. I work out in it almost every day. Its convenient, I have less of a commute (walk to the basement instead of driving anywhere), I don't have to worry about other people being around, and I can work out whenever I want (including at 4:30 in the morning). When I had to go to the gym, I hardly ever went. It was too much work. Having the home gym made it easier for me to work out, which meant I do it more often. There is nothing weird about that.
@evachristine I have a little home gym and everyone who sees it says they are jealous that I have one or that I have time to use it. Nothing to be ashamed of! My workout spaces are a sanctuary. No more dealing with all of the not-so-fun stuff that comes with a commercial gym lol.
@evachristine I have a tiny corner in my bedroom with a bench, power stack, and some kettlebells. It's hardly any room at all but will suffice if I can't get to the gym. The treadmill is in the spare bedroom. It would be great to have a dedicated space with more equipment but it will work in a pinch when I don't have time to get out of the house or the weather is so lousy I don't want to leave. Don't be embarrassed at all, anything that helps you achieve your goals is nothing to smirk at.
@evachristine Your set up sounds great! I’m jealous! Don’t feel like it’s dumb, it serves its purpose 🩷

I have a corner in an unfinished junk filled room in my basement. It has a few dumbbells, a bench, a small barbell with plates and some resistance bands. I’m happy to have it.

I dream of having a legit home gym one day.
@evachristine I love my little home gym set up. I have a yoga mat, step up, resistance bands, and dumbbells from 5 - 20 lbs. It's all I need to get a good workout in. I only go to the gym to use a cardio machine. I don't like using any other shared equipment. Maybe I'm a germaphobe but ever since COVID I started to get the ick from sharing weights or other high touch equipment where a large part of the surface area touches your body? Because people don't always wipe it down after use. Gross. So I think having a home gym is super ideal, actually. Far from dumb! You never have to wait to use any piece of equipment!
@evachristine Any type of home gym is awesome and anyone who is wrinking up their nose at it should mind their business. I've had a home gym for 15 years. Right now its pretty well equipped with a rack and bench, plates and oly bar but these days I prefer going to my local gym. At some point I'll get tired of that and start at home again. I like to have options.
@evachristine Sounds like a bitter person or a bitter comment tbh.

Why are you embarrassed though?

I have some gym equipment as well but I need to go to the gym every once in a while. Like sometimes I get distracted with my home gym but other times I'll actually workout.

I honestly think it's pretty cool and if it works even better!
@evachristine I have had a home gym for over four years! I made great progress there to start with, so it made working with a trainer all the easier since I was familiar with some of the movements. Don’t feel weird, I also get a lot of anxiety being at the gym in public and my home gym is my safe space. Other people’s opinions don’t affect your progress, so keep it up!
@evachristine OMG no!!!

I'd totally have a home gym if I had the space. I don't, I'm in a condo. I was happy when my building put in a small gym, it's just dumbbells, bench and a cable thingie I have yet to use. What I love most about it is that I can just walk down to it, work out, come back and take a shower at home. I rarely run into any of my neighbors. I don't have to get a shower before the gym. I don't have to pack up everything. I don't have to travel there and back (just take an elevator it's a 1 minute trek). I am more apt to use the gym now than when I was going to a personal trainer who was just 1/2 mile away and that gym was also fairly private, but I still felt like I had to "prepare" to go there.
@evachristine I made a small basement bedroom my home gym and when I gave tours of the new place I kept the door shut and just said "...and that's the gym". It was all mismatched equipment and felt meh. I've renovated it and got all new equipment since then, but either way I LOVE having a home gym. It's just so convenient and way more useful than guest bedroom in my case. Your coworker is probably just jealous, too.
@evachristine Haha I can understand this. I love my home gym because I hated driving around trying to find parking at my crowded gym, the commute, the strangers, just all of it.

That being said, if someone saw my set up I would somehow simultaneously be worried that I was looking like I’m “trying to hard” and also “not trying hard enough” with what I’ve got. Even though it works for me. It feels like a private hobby, and I don’t want to share my ambitions with anybody.
@evachristine My garage gym is too short for anyone over 5'5" to do overhead presses. It is covered in muddy dog paw prints. All of my dumbbells are mismatched. There are spider webs between the rafters, and laundry lint gets stuck in the equipment.
And you know what? I've had the same experience others in this thread have had -- total gym bros, power lifters, two Navy fighter pilots for goodness sakes, have seen it and said "I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A HOME GYM LIKE THIS!" Home gyms are not embarrassing at all.

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