Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

@ms7dc You’re doing good things for yourself, regardless of whether or not those things result in weight loss. It’s be nice if they did, but they’re still good for you, and still “working,” even if they don’t.
@ms7dc Muscle is expensive to have. Good you also started lifting. Would recommend to superset and if it isn’t too steep and entry, just keep to the big.

Then you can always be more serious later.
@ms7dc I mean that muscle burns calories :) It takes a long time to build, but muscle works like compound interest, if you like eating.

That being said: Muscle is expensive, but calories is cheap to buy and fast to eat :)

I wish you the best :)
@bdennis Yea, I’m pretty muscular myself beneath all the fat. Built like a rugby prop. But the rowing isn’t burning calories as much as when I lifted heavy before. I didn’t lose as much weight when I lifted BUT I didn’t look as fat. More muscle I guess.
@ms7dc Rowing doesnt burn calories?? It burns a shitload of calories, at least in the short term. Long term, muscles help.

I'd do both. And I'd save the very focused lifting until you lost the weight you want to loose.
@ms7dc Sure, and it’s awesome you’ve been able to get into great cardio fitness. If you maintain that while dialing in your diet you’ll be set. Good luck!
@ayla17 The diet is killing me. Not going to lie. I know me. It’s been rough for me personally historically to try to fix my diet AND work out hard concurrently. I had to start somewhere with something. Started with working out.
@ms7dc It takes time. All the junk we surround ourselves with is crazy addictive. Food companies hire chemists and study that stuff. The deck is stacked against all of us, but it’s super cool to know that against those odds people still get after it and try to make good choices. One day at a time 👊
@ayla17 I read a book about this a while back and it really helps me to manage my diet. I don’t want to let big corporate food companies control me. It is helpful to realize that they are all trying to manipulate us - I can be stronger than that.
@ms7dc What's your current diet like? There might be a few easy moves you could make to shave off a few hundred kcal daily, without it seeming like a massive hassle.
@ms7dc Try subbing veggies for junk food snacks. Both filling but way less calories. I snack on carrots/snap peas or nuts to keep full during the day.
@ms7dc You made the right choice. Being more fit gives you more energy and mental resource to spend dealing with how easy it is to get horrible high cal food and drink.
@ms7dc "Very fat" is a subjective term. I'm pretty fat but ran a half marathon in reasonable time. Cardiovascular fitness is not necessarily a function of body fat percentage. Although your heart has to work harder to move a heavier body. I'm sure with equal fitness, my run times would increase if I dropped 40lbs.