[PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

@ambsfuller I only just discovered this sub, but this is the most helpful post I've seen. Thank you for posting so much detail! You have got it going on, my friend!!

Now excuse me while I drag my ass to the gym :)
@ambsfuller Thanks so much for posting this! I just started lifting recently because I'm getting uncomfortable with my "skinny fat" too. Still working on the diet part (super addicted to beer and Chipotle unfortunately). But this is very inspirational. You look so great! Hopefully I can look like that soon too!
@rekarnar Believe me it took me a long time to cut out the beer and Chipotle lol. In fact when you're just starting to lift, the calories from the Chipotle will help your gains. You need to build muscle before you can tone, so chow down for a few months, lift heavy, and once you're ready to tone up - then you can wean yourself off haha.
@grandpa4 In the beginning, I was extremely un-dedicated. Lol. It was all trial and error.

I went to the gym, didn't know what I was doing - stumbled around and probably looked like a fool. Eventually I found some machines that I looked forward to doing (e.g. hip adductor, leg press). When I was on those, I would scope out others in the gym and watch their sets. After a couple of weeks, I would incorporate some dummy-proof free weights (e.g. bicep curls). Eventually, I found that I liked free weights and the post-workout burn it gave me. So, I started incorporating more every week. At this point (March) I was starting to develop a routine. By the end of that month, I had almost entirely abandoned machines and was doing strictly free weight exercises with some accessory machine work if I felt that I didn't get a "good" workout. This I think made the most drastic difference in my form: free weights require much more stabilization and focus.

By April, I was seeing evident improvement and tried stepping up in weight each week. I did researh on my diet because I was doing everything I thought I needed to be doing (heavy lifting, eating to build muscle, protein supplements, sleep, etc.) but still had that god damn tubby belly! I cut out processed carbs, processed frozen food (oh how I loved my Lean Cuisines), veggies that make you bloat (kale, cabbage, broccoli), and drastically reduced sugar.

It's now 2 weeks into May and through a mixture of fumbling around and eventual research, I found what works for me. The hardest part was finding my way in the beginning and convincing myself not to give up when I wasn't seeing progress. This subreddit helped me through it!
@ambsfuller Congrats!! This is so inspiring - I'm pretty similar in stats, and I've noticed that I am ALWAYS tired/groggy/moody, etc. and I think my poor diet was contributing a lot to this. How have your energy levels increased since starting this diet/lifting routine - and specifically cutting out the processed carbs?
@godlyaussie Since lifting my energy has skyrocketed. Since cutting out carbs, I have found that I'm not as energetic.. which kind of concerns me because I need that boost to step up my weight each week. Right now I'm experimenting with more fruits and vegetables in my diet to increase my "natural" carb load to see how it makes me feel and look.

I also noticed that since I cut out processed carbs, I de-bloated so much that it actually feels unnatural that I don't have a bloated tummy! It's a weird sensation. I haven't really gotten used to it yet, haha. With this in mind though, I felt about 100x more shitty when I was eating turkey sammies and PB&J's, bagels and donuts and pizza. I couldn't make it through the day without espresso or mud coffee. It was undoubtedly bogging my body down and bloating me to high heaven.

After I "detoxed" my body from processed carbs, I also notice that I don't hunt and gather in the kitchen anymore. I eat about every 3-4 hours and I never find myself needing more to eat. It has reduced my appetite in a healthy way. Before I cut out the carbs I would be on the prowl for food every hour it seems.
@ambsfuller I can't believe the difference from cutting out processed carbs! This is inspiring me to give a real go at doing it. I just wonder how sustainable it is :( I can't imagine cutting out pasta, bread, chocolate etc forever haha.
@cgonzaga Try quinoa - gluten free, high protein and wayyyyy better for you than bread/pasta etc. Still tastes carby and a small amount will fill you up. It's great as an alternative to rice or noodles and can be added to salads as well to bulk them up. Do watch calories though and measure how much you are using as it is reasonably calorie dense. I find it tricks my brain and satisfies the carb craving.
@adessimo Quinoa doesn't fill me up at all. For a while I was eating a sort of stir-fry but with quinoa instead of rice. I'd find myself starving again an hour after eating.
@cgonzaga Once you get past the "detox" phase, it's easy as hell I promise you! I keep vanilla roasted almonds on hand when I have a sweet tooth, and avocados and string cheese around when I want something fattening and greasy.

Remind yourself that being healthy feels better than carbs taste! I literally had to re-stock my kitchen to keep myself from maxing on some Cheetos or cookies. The first week was the worst and now thinking about a greasy egg and cheese bagel makes me nauseous. I don't think my body could handle the grease and bloat that it would cause.

I kept myself motivated by visiting this sub and r/fitness. Good luck and stick to it - the results are worth it! :)
@ambsfuller So what are your goals now? How do you progress? Do you increase the weights or the reps or what? Or do you just keep on doing the same things every workout?
@rlatham I was looking to bulk and build muscle up until 2 weeks ago, when I went on a caloric deficit, ramped up the cardio, and cut out the carbs. I'm going on vacation in about a week, otherwise I would have continued trying to add muscle and step up my weight.

Currently, I keep my routine static while I'm trying to tone up. If I feel that I'm not being challenged though I will add weight. When I get back from vacation I'll go back to building muscle, 1600-1700 cals a day and tone down the cardio so I can gain some more mass.

Generally speaking, no matter what part of the bulk/tone cycle I'm in, I try to leave the gym feeling muscle-fatigued.
@ambsfuller You are my goal!! Ahh. Right now I am averaging 1550 cals a day depending on my exercise for the day:

Sunday: Lift with Cardio (1600 cals)
Mon: Lift with Cardio (1600 cals)
Tues: Leg day no Cardio (1500 cals)
Wed: Rest (1400 cals)
Thurs: Lift with Cardio (1600 cals)
Fri: Leg day no Cardio (1500 cals)
Sat: Lift with Cardio (1600 cals)

I've lost over 6lbs in the past 6 weeks doing this but I still have the belly bulge and I'm hovering at 121. I'm on a moderate ketogenic diet (less than 50g net carbs per day, no bread/pasta/chips/processed carbs at all). I'm thinking maybe I should increase my deficit to something more like what you're doing.

You look amazing. I hope I can get there in a couple months!

It's also really encouraging to see that you enjoy beer/pizza sometimes because I haven't had a cheat meal in WEEEEEEKS.
@fratagen2 God, I love beer lol. It's the one thing I probably will never give up. (Granted it can't be something shitty like Natty Lite). But during the week, my diet is strict (even more strict if I can't make it to the gym), and my gym routine is a must.

At first I was concerned that I was eating too little with the deficit, but I must have hit the trifecta of cardio/calories/carbs because I feel like my belly got sucked down to nothing within a week and I was maintaining my muscle mass and lifts.

To satisfy any cravings, I often allow myself some berries and a half scoop of protein powder, blended. The protein perfectly curbs my appetite and the berries satisfy my craving for carbs.

Good luck! :)