[PROGRESS] 3 months. 24/F/5'4'' - 125lbs to 115lbs. Mission: Destroy "Skinny Fat". Details inside

@ambsfuller I'm saving this because I'm also 5'4 and currently hovering around 125, 115 being my goal. We have similar body types too, and you look amazing now. This will be my inspiration.
@ciripa123 The food is what made the final difference for me. It was tough and I struggled and was grumpy the first week. The way your body feels and looks though after the first week is an incredible self-sustaining motivator.

I have a high-fat/high protein diet currently (I
@ciripa123 I am sending nothing but positive vibes your way. I was a chain smoking, beer guzzling, pizza nomming party animal. Once you establish a routine, it becomes second nature. If I can make the change, anyone can!

Best of luck and PM me if you need any food/gym motivation or whatever. I'm glad to help!
@concernedhusband123 Thank you! My body feels totally different after I cut out the processed food. After 4 of 5 days of torture, craving bread and pasta and pastries, I felt like my body tightened up overnight. It's a huge motivator to keep the trend up once you see what a difference it makes. Healthy feels better than carbs taste!
@ambsfuller So after you cut the processed carbs, it only took you a week to see a big difference in your bloating/stomach pooch, or did it just take a week to get used to it? I usually eat breads at least once a day, but was just reading a study that mentioned processed carbs as a culprit for bloating, etc. I'm very curious about the details of your experience, if you don't mind sharing.
@omoijiade Right - in less than a week my stomach completely de-bloated. It was as close to "instant" progress as you can get. The struggle was real though for that week. I was grumpy and craving bread (I used to eat a turkey sandwich or jelly & toast every day).

I also cut out kale, broccoli, processed sugar (asparatame and sucralose - instead, I substitued Stevia), lunchmeat, and nixed the frozen Lean Cuisines and frozen meals (perfect crutch for when I didn't make dinner...), all of which I read contribute to bloating.

I said fuck it, went to the store, bought nothing but produce and lean cuts (lettuces, spinach, tomatoes [in moderation], low fat string cheese, plain greek yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, citrus, cucumber, berries, avocados, almonds, chicken) and ate from this basket of foods for the past couple weeks. Monday I was bloated, Friday my body had tightened up to that most recent picture I posted.

It was definitely tough but I actually feel like I was addicted to sugary, carby foods and breads. I actually used to be a pack-a-week smoker for 3 years and no joke, quitting smoking was easier than quitting bad carbs. Once you get through the first week, it becomes so much easier. Your body and mind actually feel lighter and clearer.

To satisfy my need for sugar, I kept vanilla roasted almonds around. For fatty, greasy foods: avocados and string cheese. I'm also on MyFitnessPal if you wanted to check it - I log my foods every day and it keeps me motivated!
@dawn16 Nothing is "wrong" with them from a nutrition perspective. I think they're both really healthy foods.

I eliminated them from my diet because they cause bloating. If I wasn't going on vacation/trying to achieve my goal figure, I'd be eating the hell out of broccoli because I love it so much.

As for tomatoes, nothing really wrong with it either. They have a lot of sugars in them though. Some will argue (correctly) that these kinds of sugars aren't the same as the sugar you'd find in your coffee creamer or a donut. I just wanted to limit all of my sugars as much as possible.
@ambsfuller Nice! This is really interesting. I have celiac disease, so fortunately or unfortunately, I can't eat a lot of processed carbs anyway unless there's a gluten-free substitute - so that's what I've been doing for bread, but it's really expensive ($10/week on bread!), and I also use quinoa and rice noodles for pasta. I also eat a boatload of corn chips & salsa.

I already eat pretty clean - no frozen meals (and no broccoli or kale either lol), but I do eat a lot of dairy including plain greek yogurt, cheese, and milk. I don't think I have any lactose problems, and I'm on a low-surplus bulk right now, so I think those are okay. I only want to change one variable at a time to see if it has an effect. I usually eat dark chocolate for the sweet tooth, but I could try almonds. I used to eat a lot of almonds but I slowly got tired of them. I will definitely try subbing Stevia for sugar, I basically only use it in coffee.

Anyway, thanks for all the details! Your progress is really inspiring! :D
@omoijiade Not the OP but I'll answer for myself. A friend and I did a 21 day challenge recently where we cut out all those processed carbs (and I really should go back to it), by the end of week 2 the lower-belly fat was finally disappearing and I was starting to see the definition in my abs. End of week 3 and I could definitely see my abs. During the 21 days we also cut out all beer and only drank liquor one day a week. I gave in to cravings on day 26 and the belly fat is making it's way back.
@dawn16 Yeah, OP said she saw a difference almost immediately also! I'm going to try it, starting TODAY (no time like right now, eh?). Normally I only drink liquor, though sometimes cider, which is pretty sugary.
@ambsfuller Can't really tell in the before picture, but in the after-- daaaaang, lady, that derriere!

Have you tried kettlebell (or dumbbell) swings at all? I had a cantankerous disc for a while and while it was healing, I found kb swings helped immensely. Also just playing around on a balance board in front of a mirror, as it made me focus on keeping my hips aligned correctly.
@ambsfuller Thank you so much for posting this. Yours is the first routine I've seen that is pretty similar to mine and it's great inspiration to keep going as I seem to have stalled a little bit progress wise.

My eating habits are also very similar to yours, except on the weekend I cheat with a little bit of froyo and pizza instead of beer :)

Anyway you've certainly inspired me to keep at it. I was feeling pretty down today but not anymore!
@charlie3rivers I was feeling my progress plateau around April -- 8 weeks into serious lifting and gym routine. I decided my diet was the problem and struggled to eliminate the bread, pasta, and sugary protein bars.

I instantly saw progress, though. I mean like 4 or 5 days and my figure was tightening up considerably. This kept me motivated to nix the processed carbs and I've been at it for 16 days now! Good luck, and remember that healthy feels better than carbs taste! :p