[PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

@csf Great job!! This is really inspiring to me. I just started lifting in April, and I actually have almost the same stats as you when you first started: 5'4", 27 years old, 130 lb. I also started lifting to look better, but I've been getting more and more stoked about seeing progress in my lifts.

I'm currently eating at around 10-20% deficit of my TDEE because I think I still have some body fat to lose. I'm not weighing myself or measuring, though, so just basing this on progress pics and the mirror. My lifts are still progressing, so I haven't plateaued.

Anyway, was it tough for you to bulk to 150 lb? I've never weighed that much before, so just the thought of it is daunting. Did you do a cut first?
@dawn16 Thanks! When I first began at 130 lbs, since I was doing it for the aesthetics, I started a cut and dropped to 125 lbs. After that I was worried it would hinder progress on my lifts, and I really wanted to put on some muscle, so I started eating. I didn't keep track of calories unfortunately, and there were periods where I gained weight too quickly (ladies probably can't put on more than 1lb/muscle per month, so gaining much more than that is not ideal).

If your lifts are still progressing, don't worry about it. Just because you are eating at a deficit now doesn't mean you can't stop later and try something else. It was not tough at all to bulk, in fact, I loved it most of the time. Early on the societal conditioning of "you're gaining weight, weight is BAD" crap would seep into my thoughts; you have to fight it. I look great. Muscle is beautiful. Haters gon hate.

I am about to begin a cut now so I can stay in the 148s for competition purposes. My physique drives my desire to do so, as I have a little more fat than I'd like to have. I am sticking to reducing my calories enough to lose 0.75% of my bodyweight per week, which equals close to 1lb/week for me. It's pretty slow but I shouldn't lose much strength with these #s.

If you find you stop being successful at losing weight, it might help, if you can, to count calories. I don't have any weight loss success unless I'm measuring everything I eat. It's cumbersome but produces results, and I can make sure I'm not losing weight too quickly.
@csf Good job! That shows your dedication and hard work! Fantastic progress.

Although, if I'm being honest, I think it would have been awesome if you could have dug out your old gym uniform and worn that for the 2014 stuff.
@nicobaz I didn't really have this video in mind during those training days... happy to do it for the next few training sessions, though :) I have all that stuff I was wearing still!!
@csf Lol! That would be awesome. Seriously, good job, you should be proud. Your form is spot on (in fact, I'm very jealous of your sumo form - mine sucks) AND you are lifting heavy weights. An all around win.
@csf Good grief your numbers are impressive.

I'm blown away you've gained that much muscle eating plant protein. I eat meat, though not as much as I'd like (I'm from HI - quality meat is insanely overpriced here). I thought that my limited meat consumption was holding back my lifts, but obviously it hasn't held back yours. Do you mind me asking what you eat to meet your protein requirements? I get most of mine from whey, eggs, beans, and nuts.
@roselil It's changing a bit, but lately it's been a split between nuts (really), beans, "faux" products like boca crumbles, tempeh, eggs (though less now because high LDL cholesterol), and greek yogurt. On days I get less than 100g I supplement with protein powder from true nutrition, a 60/40 split with pea/rice protein.