Progress Pics (5'6, 103lb => 128lb)

@eleminophy Remeron (generic: mirtazapine). It's a little less "mainstream," and an older drug, I think. Had to play with the dosing for a while because different dosings do very different tings lol. I am on 45mg right now. I also take Prozac and find that my condition is best treated when I am on both the Remeron and the SSRI together. I also have a history of anxiety and pretty intense mood swings (I get debilitated by overthinking, I feel fatalistic, and I go down the rabbit hole mentally a bit) esp before a period, and the SSRI eliminates that piece completely. Like I said it took a while before I found this combination. Over the years I was on klonopin (when I first had anxiety/panic attacks), Paxil, tried Lexapro twice (bad reaction to that one), Xanax, ...that's off the top of my head. All those somewhat helped my anxiety, but it wasn't until Remeron that I saw a direct, vast improvement in the actual OCD behaviors.
@jayden_jay Thanks for the thoughtful response. Must've been hard going through all those meds to find the right balance. Glad the ones you're taking now are working well for you :)
@jayden_jay We are very similar in the before and after aspects.

I was skinny and people always called me a bone and how a dog would mistake me for a piece of bone and eat me.

After I focused on weight training, I went from 88 pounds to 110 pounds with a lot of muscles on me :)

Keep going!!!
@mlay901 Same! After recovering from the flu I was 92 pounds at 5'4. My average weight was 98. I'm 110 now and my goal is 115. My lifts, Rock climbing, and running all got better.

I love seeing others who had similar journeys, it's not common to see women excited about weight gain in fitness subs
@mlay901 I hope you understand your comment is being downvoted because it is improper and hurtful to compare one persons body to another. thin people are not objects of your judgement.
@dawn16 It has been a crazy journey indeed. I used to have to "save" my calories every chance I flight of stairs? Nope, can't afford to expend that energy. Weekend? I should probably lay around and not do anything to store some fat! Ugh. Let alone the whole bit about being f-ing hungry and not being able to eat. Not sure what was worse, that, or eventually never feeling hungry anymore because my body adjusted to it. I feel nauseous just looking at those pics seeing how thin I was ::shudder::
@jayden_jay Your progress is very inspiring! I'm so sorry it took so long to get a proper diagnosis & treatment. So very glad to see you have come through it all stronger (figuratively & literally!)