Progress Report: Getting fit & healthy while having a full-time sedentary job

I've been meaning to write this for quite awhile and I have some free time now so I hope it helps someone but it also helps to keep me accountable further in my journey. So here it goes.

My progress since late-July 2019:

Female 24 5'4" .. 132 lbs > 112 lbs with a focus on trim and tone.

Little background info:

I went from being a track athlete in high school, to a university student focused less on sports, to getting a full-time job in my career but developing a sedentary lifestyle.

Realization for change:

Last year after a beach vacation, I was looking at photos of myself and I really didn't like what I saw; I had gained at least 20 pounds in 3~ years and I had been assuming it was because of my metabolism slowing down, but it wasn't. It was my lifestyle. I had been sitting all day at work, coming home just to make dinner, eat pretty unhealthy meals, and then chilling on the couch all night. Partnered with going out for lunch, I was not only sedentary but I was eating probably 3000+ calories a day.

New lifestyle changes since end of July 2019: Comparison / Progress Photos

My full body daily exercise routine (in order): 30-45 minutes / at least 6 days a week

- 50 fast jumping jacks

- 10 minutes of yoga stretching: neck, triceps, quads, shoulders, inner thighs, chest, etc

- 1x30 hip bridges/thrusts (hold for 2 seconds on the rise)

- 3x50 bicycle crunches:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/BicycleCrunches_annotated-cafb1b7876b6400c9131bd8d475d234d.jpg)

- 3x10 5lbs dumbbell lateral raise

- 3x15 15 lbs dumbbell centered squats

- 50 weighted lunges (with 10lbs each hand)

- 3x15 15lb bicep curls

- 3x10 mountain climbers

- Rotating plank arms & 1-minute plank

- 3x15 40-50lb leg extension machine:max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/44-3498573-Leg-Extension-GIF-369e8d86622b4313b74baf12a03afc46.gif) or alternative scissor kicks with no machine:

- 20 push ups

- 10-20 minutes on the elliptical at level 10 (typically burning up to 200 calories via FitBit data)
  • I've added some examples to the above so that I can showcase what these look like! There's so many times people talk about exercises and I have no clear visual of what they mean, so maybe this will help someone.
  • On weekdays, I work out after work, before dinner. I eat dinner between 6-7. On weekends I head to the gym as soon as I wake up and shower, eat afterwards.
  • I'm currently working on adding more exercises in, there are a few I haven't message that I rotate in and out but these are the main ones.
A day in the life of my diet: 1850-2200 calories

Breakfast: Two hard boiled eggs, English muffin with laughing cow cheese, one medium avocado = 500-600 calories

Lunch: Salad with chicken, blackberries or other fruit, crackers with cheese, crispy minis or other snacks such as Veggie chips (big fan) = 600-700 calories

Dinner: Common homemade meals include: chicken burrito bowls, chicken caesar salad, beef tacos, chilli, beef stew, turkey burgers, shredded turkey or chicken wraps, pierogies, etc = anywhere from 500-1000 calories

Evening snacks if I have room in my calorie budget: Jalapeno Smartfood, fruits and/or veggies with a side of ranch, Brookside Chocolate.
  • Because I meal plan, I always base my breakfasts and lunches on dinner, if I know I'm having a super heavy dinner, I'll skip my usual breakfast and go for a breakfast bar instead (I recommend Made Good or KIND) same goes for if I'm going out for dinner.
  • On weekends I try my best not to calorie count or only calorie count loosely.
Other tips:

- I recently started using FitBit and I LOVE it. I have the Inspire HR and I love how it real time tracks my calories, sleep, heart rate, exercises, and more. I no longer use My Fitness Pal.

- On that note, sleep is super important. I find that I work out harder and better when I get a good night's rest - I'm sure everyone knows this but it's worth noting always since sleep = friend.

- H2O. Water all day long. I drink at least 10 cups of water / green tea a day. It helps with my energy, mood and overall just prevents headaches and I can't emphasize the benefits of drinking water enough.

- Don't be afraid to have a cheat day every now and then. I try to have at least one or two a month where I don't work out, and I eat everything and anything in sight if I feel like it WITH ZERO GUILT. Because I deserve it. You do too.

- Live life. Fitness and health are important but don't get obsessed. I always tell myself this and counter my fit lifestyle with other daily hobbies I enjoy such as reading, writing and binge watching the greatest tv shows like Bob's Burgers, Parks & Rec, LOST, etc.

That's basically it from me then, I hope this can help someone even in the slightest way! If anybody has any questions or comments please let me know. I'm also totally open to more advice as I continue in my toning and muscle building journey.

Cheers. Xo
@contemplatingfarmer I know its been 2 years since you posted this and I love it! Do you count the 10mins of yoga and 10-20 mins of elliptical in your 30-45 minute routine? I tried the whole routine yesterday and I completed it in a little over an hour. I wonder if I am miscalculating something.
@contemplatingfarmer I know I’m super late to the party, but you look fantastic!! I’m 5’1.25” (I hold on to that quarter) and 125lb, but I’m looking to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight and get more fit in general.

Your post answered most questions I have (and it’s wonderfully organized), but I do want to ask if you could go into more detail about the yoga stretching. My brain just goes blank and I’m not sure what to do.
@dawn16 You're welcome & definitely just try to be active 30 minutes a day, beyond everything it's really just helped me regain physical and mental strength!! Office life can be so dull in the mind and body 😭
@contemplatingfarmer Im saving this post because i've feel this so much!

i'm the same height and weight, but 27! Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm going to be using this as a road map/motivation. we definitely need more progress reports! How do you stay motivated?
@faith47 It depends! I don't always have them. My full cheat days like once a month, I don't track at all and I just indulge and love life, probably like 6 six glasses of wine, a bunch of food, dessert, etc. On a basic cheat day I just allow myself to go to 2500 calories.

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