@michaelphemo Lol mate wait before getting all angry about sixpacks. Anyways, the sixpack is 80% diet, you have to take ypur body percentage down to a number. Same for the muscles; the first month you will gain a bit of mass if you didn't have, but the bulling will stop very fast.
Workout: i divide my workout in 4 section, and i do one of them per day with a pause day when i can't take it anymore. The items are: Push (horizontal and vertical) Pull (hor. and ver.) Core, Legs. You can also do full body. Anyways: pushing is push up (hor.) amd pike push ups, very basically. Pull is pull ups, chin ups, australian pull ups, biceps curl. For the legs you can squat, do glute bridges, lunges, donkey kicks.
Just try and you will understand better yourself what you need to train and how. Just watch some youtube about how to execute exercises correctly it's crucial.
You can also focus on a skill and build a workout around it