[Race Report] Cowtown Half: I bled through my pants so you don’t have to

@rickyparker Hydrogen peroxide! It’s a life saver. Had an IV bleed open onto a brand new pair of indigo jeans in the ER. Soaked the pant leg in HP and it all came out and the jeans did not lose any color.
@wanderedhome Some of my friends are big fans of the period pants, and have used them for runs with me up to 16k. I can't use them as I tend to race in shorts which have built in knickers, but luckily I find a tampon is enough if I need anything at all!

You did an amazing job, huge kudos for keeping going! I find hills best to alternate running and walking if I'm really struggling, and often use lampposts as my markers for that! I also have started embracing hill sprints in my training.

I did my first half marathon in 2017, my second in 2018, and I'm now running one this coming weekend to give my legs a break as I prepare for my first marathon in April... it gets weirdly addictive!
@wanderedhome So I figure as a fellow runner you'll appreciate this. I ran 20 miles on Sunday. My favourite shorts have rubbed 3 pressure points on my lower back. We realised this happened because I was carrying too many sweeties in the back pocket...
@eisha I’m not sure the trouble was the capacity? The Lena seems like a fairly rigid cup so I’m thinking I need one that’s more flexible. Or with a wider opening? I’m sure there’s a cup subreddit somewhere.
@wanderedhome Ah gotcha. Meluna also has a "sport" option that's firmer than average and a "soft" option that's more flexible. I don't know about a cup subreddit, but the menstrual cups livejournal community has charts comparing every aspect you could possibly want to check into!
@wanderedhome I thought this was r/running and I was looking forward to seeing the replies 😂

You’re a bad ass! Give it a couple weeks and report back - I’m curious if you’ll change you mind about running another like I did! Said I’d never do it again and before I knew it I had signed up for another lol
@hotman637 I've done the same thing about signing up for half again. They are a big time commitment but nothing motivates me to train harder. It is fun to do stuff in other cities but I did a smaller production in my city last year and it was less of a time commitment. Got dropped off, ran, husband met me at the finish line cheering, and I was showered and ready to do other things by 11.