Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

@dailyrx Watching the pole vault competition on TV this week, I saw that the women have very wide waists, some even have it larger than hips.

Now who dares to say that they don't have an amazing (strong and beautiful) body?

Edit: okay, pole vaulters are tall and lean, but I meant that it's crazy to focus on one measurement only.
@connecttojesuscom Following Peloton instructors and athletes instead of influencers on instagram has been so beneficial for my own body image. Seeing strong people do awesome stuff is really inspiring.
@connecttojesuscom I saw some kind of floor routine on the TV last night while I was at the gym, and the women were muscular and a little wider all over. Not one of them looked “thin” but they were beautiful and their athletic abilities were amazing.
@dailyrx That post pissed me off because of my own body dysmorphia. I love the look of the ripped pole vaulter and here are women who rip on their bodies who could look like that. But…much comes down to working for some aesthetic goal without realizing that it takes a fuck ton of work that the gen pop doesn’t want to do. makes me sick of hearing the pity parties. I was 15% bf, kicking ass before Covid. I was in the gym 1.5 hours most days a week. Then I gained 40 lbs that I’m slowly losing. That’s my problem, not yours or the world’s. Anyway, rant over, but I felt like piling on.
@crosswalk1991 Comparing yourself today to yourself yesterday kind of sucks too. Bodies change, beauty standards change, aging is a normal part of being human. I’m not trying to be the same weight or measurements of my 20 year old self after 2 kids and at almost 40 years old, that’s not mentally healthy. I CAN exercise and eat healthy to make my now body look the best it can without comparing it to what I use to look like. Telling women to look like their younger selves, especially prior to children is completely unrealistic and in some cases impossible without corrective surgery (and some of us are to busy living life to go through the trauma and recovery of surgical procedures just so we can conform to some BS patriarchal beauty standards).
@crosswalk1991 Isn't this a space for everyone to discuss their personal objectives/ frustrations/ goals / setbacks / progress? You just listed all your stats at the end, btw. And they sound great. Congrats. But I don't see a problem with someone else complaining about a different goal. However I don't post much here as I'm not popular here - lol. But I'm just saying...and now I'm about to get on the bike before work after eating my veggie scramble with half slice of ciabatta and coffee. Really proud I walked 11,000 steps yesterday including a 20 min run class and my weights. I have been more consistent at the gym, but I enjoyed a Caesar with fries and white wine last night with my boyfriend. My waist is 23" even though I call my workouts moderate and I eat fries and drink wine.
@christina65 Agreed. The about section of this sub is literally a place to talk about “all things weight loss and fitness”. If people want a fitness-only, no weight or measurement discussion sub then they should look elsewhere or create one for themselves.
@alexa0225 I agree. If you don’t love a post or have nothing to say, skip it. I’ve seen very few things that were pro Ana or whatever. If someone is on a different journey or has different specs or goals it’s not a personal affront towards you. If you are too easily triggered, then don’t interact with a sub like this. I care a lot about fitness but personally for me lifting really heavy is not my brand of fitness. I do lift weights, but I get more out of cardio and find ballet / Pilates etc useful in my weekly regimen along with my weight program. I am a size 0 and want to stay that way. I don’t usually post that or other stats here to avoid hate but wtf is wrong with wanting a smaller waist? (Which basically comes down to losing body fat, and some core work.) or whatever. Just don’t comment or read it if you’re bothered. Not everyone agrees on everything.
@christina65 Yes, this should be a space for people to discuss their goals and objectives… as related to FITNESS. Weight loss and fitness are not one and the same, and so many people here post strictly about weight loss or admit that they do not exercise at all.
@tavares Why can't it be whatever people need it to be? I don't think anyone should designate in that way. It sounds like it might be triggering, which is too bad and I get it. But it's easier to leave a community than try and shape it to your specifications.
@jesusjue It’s the name of the sub? There’s plenty of weight loss subs that would suit needs better. I don’t go into a houseplant sub talking about my dog and then complain that that sub should be whatever I need it to be.
@tavares That’s a reach tbh. Has anyone commenting here read the about section?? It’s not just for fitness, it’s for weight loss as I’ve mentioned multiple times.
@crosswalk1991 Perhaps we can have a weekly thread for such venting posts, that would be a good compromise between not allowing them and keeping them contained to a single thread.
@crosswalk1991 It really makes no sense to me. I’m watching a lot of women go from healthy body weights, to underweight body weights. And I’m over here, underweight, busting my ass trying to get to a healthy weight. I feel weak, unattractive, and unhealthy being underweight.
@crosswalk1991 I agree. I think this sub has way too much “I’m eating -300 calories why am I still not losing weight”. Like, in almost every one of those posts it’s the same answer. It’s getting redundant and it’s not the content I like to see on this sub.
@crosswalk1991 Read the about section, it’s not just for fitness. Also if you’re bothered or concerned about what people are posting in here maybe either leave the sub or reach out to them separately rather than calling them out in a rant post. In fact, your post really has nothing to do with what this sub is about. It’s not a place to call people out publicly, it’s about supporting them. Not everyone has the same exact goal.