Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

@pleasesaveme I know, but some people are trying to go from average normal weight to the bare minimal close to 18.5 BMI.

And I suggest weightlifting and macros because they’re currently eating 1200-1300 cals and that will kill their metabolism, making it Harder to lose weight in the future and gaining all the weight back.
@crosswalk1991 They won't kill their metabolism. And if someone wants to be that low, that's their business. If it's causing them a lot of stress or they feel awful physically, of course I wouldn't recommend it. But there are people who sit around a lower weight and feel perfectly comfortable where they are.
@crosswalk1991 You don't kill metabolism that way. It's a myth. You reset daily. I'm not saying that anyone SHOULD eat 1200 calories (although for very petite women who are sedentary that's not starvation, but whatever, not arguing that point) but the idea that in doing so you'll cause lasting harm - no, that's wrong. You might binge as a result, and you may gain back the weight. Neither of these is desirable. But the metabolism myth really needs to die.

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