Rant about people trying to look skinny or have a x inch waist

@crosswalk1991 Yes! This!! I feel like there are people who are still stuck in the skinny mentality and that’s so wrong. Why not love yourself, be healthy and just enjoy the process? Accept yourself and all of your uniqueness
@dawn16 It's not just about being skinny, it's apparently now fashionable to have certain types of curves, and people desperately trying to change their body shape. Some women are just never going to have the "right" curves. Some are naturally skinny, some put weight on around the waist, or arms, or whatever. Certain exercises might help but they won't change your body, and why should we want that. We should be focusing on being healthy and appreciating what we have.
@eternum Yeassss this! I spent so much of my teen years and early twenties chasing unattainable goals and now at age 34 with two kids I can say I’m the happiest I’ve been and have accepted myself and that’s been HUGE. I love to work out and I love to be active and not concentrate on the scale or how my body is shaped compared to others. It’s such a sad way to live honestly, when you’re constantly in a state of unhappiness with your body.
@crosswalk1991 Yup, lately there's been a surge in these posts. I don't know...maybe something to do with summer, holiday season. But yeah, you basically described what I've been thinking to myself every time read a new post like this.
@crosswalk1991 Love this post. I’ve been thinking about leaving the sun because it makes me have unhealthy thoughts. My goals right now are to build muscle and get strong AF. There’s nothing wrong with weight loss but some of these posts are disturbing. Making it seem like at 5”2, I should be aiming to be under 120 pounds. Makes you feel like if you’re above that there’s something wrong with you but in reality there’s nothing wrong with YOU, it’s someone with ED posting their problems on here. It makes me very sad that society has made women believe they are less than but we need to work together to promote healthy lifestyle/ mindsets and encourage one another to focus on feeling good about our bodies. I’d love to see some more weightlifting or see what other people do for exercise and enjoyment to feel like bad b*tches!!
@crosswalk1991 This is definitely a weakness in a lot of fitness subs. It makes me sad, because I know there are people out there struggling with eating disorders for whom posting/commenting/reading on a sub like this can be a self-harming behavior. While it's ultimately up to them to curate their internet experience, as a group we should recognize that people in the sub are at high risk of ED and always try our best to ensure our discussions aren't actively harmful to people, especially younger impressionable people, who post here. Health and happiness are what it's all about.
@crosswalk1991 I didnt want to comment anything negative on that post yesterday but it was discouraging to see. I like my waist and i like my hips. I prefer myself curvy and that means bigger measurements and thats ok. Thanks for posting
@anonyq1 Yeah. That’s why I want to post this. You are beautiful and strong, AND healthy, and your waistline doesn’t define you.

Of course, being morbidly obese and unhealthy isnt good either.
@crosswalk1991 those posts were so damaging to me that i looked at myself in the mirror and felt bad about my soft stomach...i am writing up my thesis and there is only so much i can work out but i do try to eat healthy and everyone says i am skinny. but i know i am also curvy because of genetics so i doubt i will be able to have a flat stomach or abs unless i get depressed. i love the focus on fitness because it shifts the focus away from beauty standards which are arbitrary to strength
@crosswalk1991 Well tbh that's why I never use BMI/weight etc...all that is BS.

It's better to use bodyfat percentages.

So as long as between 20-28 let's say 18-27 for girls you're fine...maybe look curvy, maybe have a big butt, etc but you're fine...and maybe over the BMI.

Trying to just be skinny might actually lead to skinny fat. For example I know some who are say 5ft 4 and weigh 105lbs very skinny but don't look toned, because they just guilt dieted.

It's why cuts have to be done methodically...high protein at most 20% deficit, but best is 10-15%. Same as bulks high protein/carbs 10-15%.
It's all about eating healthy sleeping well and not stressing! Neither skinny nor overweight are good things! Good bodyfat, healthy mindset and boom you are set!
Having a big butt is a desirable thing for many girls, bc it means you’re curvy usually and that’s the preferred place for fat / muscle to go. And yep, except I’m 5’4” and 105 lbs due to a weight loss from a sickness, and now it’s near impossible to gain the weight back.
Ohh no...I had COVID impossible to keep as trim as before.

Have damn hypoglycemia freaking sucks.

Have to eat so often...my blood sugar drops after like 2-3 hours even if I had a big meal.

And all of a sudden I'm shaky, sweaty, pale, can't feel my hands, dizzy, very confused can't hear well, etc etc... honestly goes in 5-10 minutes from fine to very out of breath/heart pounding and the world breathing (like I'm on acid lol).

Sucks absolutely sucks but hey that's health.

I do some calisthenics and take breaks...I do my workouts in a few sections! Cause I can't do it all in one go or else yay hypoglycemia!

Basically no heavy excercise, no stress, no fasting, no caffeine/or drugs or any substances, etc.

So freaking hard to cut... finally sorta found a way(a bunch of grape juice to get the sugar up..and then snacks every few hours).

Ohh is that why girls have bigger legs and butts then guys? Makes sense why I see girls with umm big butts.

Yeah my girlfriend has issues finding pants she jokes she's just to strong...she works upper body and whatnot

You know looks like the fitness model has abs/biceps/back muscles quads etc... honestly fitter then most guys!

She could beat my ass if she wanted, my only luck is I got a good mile time🤣🤣 and parkour skills... I'd just run away and hop a fence lol
@dawn16 YES! Also, eating too little means metabolism is SHOT.

I love promoting weightlifting because weight doesn’t matter as much and bodyfat% is a better indicator of health. I am also aiming for a big muscular butt myself.

I love your comment so much.
@dawn16 Ugh, proper cuts are a pain in the ass. Not necessarily because they’re slow (I’m an impatient lil’ bitch) but because getting enough flavour variety while focusing on protein can be tough. I’m someone who likes a lot of lot of small portions of different things on their plate, but it’s not like I’m gonna meal prep three different flavours of chicken every night. If that makes sense. Lol
@tandervel Just put spices lol ..like no calories and it's all good.

Hell I made curry chicken

I mean I gotta eat a lot so was sick of just chicken.

Yes exactly. My girlfriend is "overweight" according to BMI.

In reality she's just got a fuckton of muscle..
Like bigger arms then most dudes sorta muscle lol
She loves seeing how much she can put on, kinda peaked tbh...and she has big legs and whatnot.

Yeah she was anorexic before, so definitely skinny was not good.

So exactly waist size/hip size/bust size/etc don't matter as long as your a health Bodyfat percentage and decently balancedm

A lot of girls love working like only legs but that causes issues, or only butt..have to work all the leg muscles, and upper body as well...your lower back etc are tied with your hamstrings/but etc.

Also need to have good mobility regardless of bodyfat(like able to have palms flat on the ground, say splits, etc

Having full range of motion is crucial in preventing injuries.

Basically if muscular and flexible you're gonna be a way lower risk of injuries, and be able to achieve your full life potential (hike large mountains, sprint fast, etc).

So yeah good luck!
@crosswalk1991 I totally agree. I have a 0.7 hip to waist ratio and should look amazing right? No I need to lose a few kgs

You would be laughed off if you tried to promote obesity here but people think they can promote anorexia here. I think they think petite means svelte, but we just mean short here.