Ohh no...I had COVID impossible to keep as trim as before.
Have damn hypoglycemia freaking sucks.
Have to eat so often...my blood sugar drops after like 2-3 hours even if I had a big meal.
And all of a sudden I'm shaky, sweaty, pale, can't feel my hands, dizzy, very confused can't hear well, etc etc... honestly goes in 5-10 minutes from fine to very out of breath/heart pounding and the world breathing (like I'm on acid lol).
Sucks absolutely sucks but hey that's health.
I do some calisthenics and take breaks...I do my workouts in a few sections! Cause I can't do it all in one go or else yay hypoglycemia!
Basically no heavy excercise, no stress, no fasting, no caffeine/or drugs or any substances, etc.
So freaking hard to cut... finally sorta found a way(a bunch of grape juice to get the sugar up..and then snacks every few hours).
Ohh is that why girls have bigger legs and butts then guys? Makes sense why I see girls with umm big butts.
Yeah my girlfriend has issues finding pants she jokes she's just to strong...she works upper body and whatnot
You know looks like the fitness model has abs/biceps/back muscles quads etc... honestly fitter then most guys!
She could beat my ass if she wanted, my only luck is I got a good mile time
and parkour skills... I'd just run away and hop a fence lol