Really Surprised by My Dexa Results 5'8'', 170 pounds, 30% Bodyfat


New member
Was originally going to go through the process of posting this anonymously but you know what? We're all on our way. I've had a long journey, and I have further to go than I thought. I've gotten a LOT of value reading other people's Dexa results posted here so I wanted to give value back by sharing mine.

TL;DR: Formerly 292 pounds. Currently 5'8.5'', 170 pounds with a BMI of 25.5. Shocked to find out yesterday via DEXA that I'm 30.1% BF. Here's the results:
ETA: Also PCOS woman so I was really surprised (in a good way) by my healthy Android to Gynoid ratio and low visceral fat, given my former weight.

Why? I guess all I can chalk it up to is while I've had a very healthy/active lifestyle for several months and a history of NCAA sports and stuff, I was too sedentary for the first several years of my weight loss journey and often underate due to disordered eating. My protein intake until recently was also abysmal (I was a vegetarian who rarely hit 60 grams per day).

Here's the NSFW body pictures, which were taken from my weekly check-in for my coach two days ago, plus a gym picture. I have small amount of visible vascularity in wrists/elbows and even shins at times, which is why I was anticipating my results to be a lot more like 24-27% bodyfat.
You'll see I do have some loose skin on my inner thighs, arms, and legs from massive weight loss. It's continually improving and I will probably NOT need surgery for loose skin removal, which I'm counting as a win. Here's a picture at my high weight:
In terms of next steps, I realized that the Dexa results are just a baseline and don't really change anything I'm doing. My coach makes weekly adjustments to my macros and exercise. This week, for example, I'm assigned a total of 3 50+ minute LISS cardio workouts, 2 25+ minute stair sessions, and one weights session (I'm doing DC training to maximize my upper body gym time). I'm eating around 1600-1800 a day, macros are currently set at 30% protein, 30% carbs, 40% fat. I eat mostly turkey, very lean beef, albacore, green veg, sweet potatoes, rice cakes, almond butter coconut oil, and 1/4 cup oats a day.

I've got months or years of hard, rewarding work ahead of me before I hit my long-term goal of competing in women's figure bodybuilding, and I guess if nothing else, this Dexa is a baseline to build off of.

edited: modified food list to add where I'm getting my healthy fats :)
@pedroinspain I feel this. I'm 5' 8", 160, and recently got measured at 35% body fat by my trainer using skin fold + calipers. It was much higher than other estimates I'd come up with (Navy, visual, photo app, whatever).

Total pain shot for a few days! I'm also recovering from an eating disorder. My therapist is overall supportive of my fitness goals, but nudged me away from the numbers focus. She encouraged me to stay focused my other motivations instead. All the BF measurements have such a high margin of error I feel like I can't fixate on them that much.
@andro You know, I've put myself through almost every method of bodyfat testing at this point (hydrostatic, bioimpedence, etc) but I've avoided the skin fold/calipers because I've heard it's not effective if you have loose skin which definitely makes sense. I'm not sure if you do, but most women who have had a child do. Also, for what it's worth, the chart I was shown by the DEXA tech put 35% in the healthy range.

Best of luck in your recovery journey, it really sounds like you're doing all the right things. There is SO much margin of error, you're right. There's so many different forms of reward in a fitness journey--health, mental health, reaching goals--that at the end of the day, numbers are just numbers.
As I was doing my recumbent bike LISS tonight, my forearm vein appeared to be starting to pop so I thought I'd share because I felt proud of that visible sign of progress. Nothing unusual today in terms of caffeine, carbs or supplements (132 grams clean carbs, a cup or two of coffee, a probiotic. I'm out of preworkout until the mail comes on Thursday). I don't know why it looks more prominent on mobile screen than on desktop, but it does.
And here's what I look like with clothes on, haha:
FYI, that little burn on my wrist in the arm picture is from my foreman grill and a ground turkey accident. I got greedy (hangry) and those things get hot.
@mauddib Oh my gosh, stat twin! Did you see the recent post from a woman of our approximate stats, perhaps 10 days ago?

Congrats on your transformation! You have halved yourself. I feel my stomach looks fairly average for being 18 months postpartum (which I am), so I'm proud of how far I've come in that area :) admiring your hard work.
@pedroinspain No I didn't! Could you link it? (I'm 5'7 and 176lb if Google translated that correctly into freedom units. 😂 I am not postpartum so yeah for that your stomach looks amazing and mine looks sad. I mostly have chicken wings loose skin but my thighs also look very similar to yours.

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