Petite Fitness Challenge Round 30: the holiday race (but not really)!

@lyso Hello!! I remember seeing this last year but it was full by the time I tried to join.

4’11 SW:147 CW:133 GW: 115 I used to be a runner and want I get back into running and lifting.
@lyso I’d like to join. F39 5’3” CW 108lbs, hope to maintain through the holidays. I do mostly cardio now- Dec goal to work out a minimum of 5x/week with weights 1x per week.
@lyso 5 3", CW 171 GW 155. I recently finished a bulk phase and hit some PRs, now I am moving to a cut phase while trying to maintain a consistent workout schedule over the holidays.
@lyso I'd like to join. 5'1, CW: 130 lbs, my goal is to walk more this month, maintain, and define my mid section. I do 2x weight training and 1x cardio circuit per week.
@lyso I'll give this a try! It might distract me from my health anxiety.

I'm 5'2" 29 years old. My goal is weight loss. Starting at 167 and hoping to end at 164 by January.