Recruit the Glutes!: An XXFitness Collaboration


New member
Hey y'all :)

A few days ago I posted a request for feedback on a new glute hypertrophy program I'm designing. For context you can read the original post here. It explains why I've created this program vs doing a ready-made glute program.

I've created the first week of programming based on the advice I received here in this sub. so THANK YOU to all who replied and gave me some great resources to explore. I really appreciate it.

I'd love to share the first workout with everyone and get feedback on length, rep range, flow, exercise order, warm-up/cool-down and overall effectiveness for a range of abilities/experience levels. Please try it out and let me know what you think!
Here 'tis!


by /@rileyargo & Friends


Week One introduces the primary movements of this program as well as basic structure of the workout.

Day One

Time: 45:00 - 75:00

Rest between sets: 1-2 minutes

Warm Up

Preceding each warm up, perform 5-10 minutes of a moderate cardio activity of your choice.
  1. Leg Swings 2 x 20
  2. Fire Hydrants 2 x 20
  3. Bodyweight squats 2 x 10
  4. Banded Clam Shells 2 x 15
  5. Box Jumps 2 x 10
  6. Foam Roll - Hip flexors, glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves

Lift #1

Back Squat - 4 x 12

First set is a warm up using only the bar. If a full size Olympic bar is too heavy, choose a lighter fixed bar. If the bar alone is too easy, add as much weight as you can lift for 12 reps. You should be almost reaching failure on your twelfth rep.

Lift #2

Sumo Deadlift - 4 x 10

First set is warm up using light weight. If an Oly bar is too heavy, use a fixed barbell. Emphasis is on form and glute recruitment, you should be squeezing the glutes hard at the top of every rep.

Lift #3

Hip Thrusters 4 x 15-20

Warm up using light or no weight on your first set. Ensure you have proper foot placement and that the barbell is squarely over your hips. Your weight should rest in your heels, with your toes pointed up slightly. Focus on squeezing the glutes at the top of each rep, then controling the eccentric portion of the movement. Add weight for each set until you can only perform 15 reps (to failure).

Lift #5

Cable Pull-Through 4 x 12-15

The emphasis in cable pull-throughs is on the glute contraction at the top of the rep. Your arms should act merely as pulleys while your glutes do most of the work. It can help to brace your forearms against your hips when pulling the cable through forwards, as well as bending over and allowing the cable to travel a ways backwards on the eccentric part of the motion. Focus on low weight and squeezing out a high number of reps.


Cable Kickbacks AMRAP

Set up a low step or bench in front of a cable machine to the left or right of the cable pulley in the lowest position. Starting with a low weight (8-12 lbs) on your left side, stand bent over with your right leg on the box or step and allow your left leg to come forward past your right, then extend it back, keeping your glute muscle engaged. Hold at the top of the rep and squeeze the glute, then slowly lower. Perform AMRAP (as many reps as possible) then switch and perform the same number reps on your right side, standing on the box or step with your left leg.

Cool Down and Stretches
  1. Foam Roll - hip flexors, glutes, adductor, hamstring, quad, calves
  2. Crescent Lunge into calf/ham stretch
  3. Standing forward fold (grasp elbows and sway if that feels good)
  4. Seated cross legged twist
  5. Hero's Pose
  6. Legs up the wall (stay here for 5-8 minutes if you can)


Entire workout should take 45 mins - 1 hour depending on how quickly you complete all reps. I did this one yesterday in just under an hour so moving at a pretty good pace. Nice and sore today! :D

Please try it out and let me know what you think!

Criticisms and praise both welcome :)

@dawn16 If you haven't been shown how to do this properly by a physio or knowledgeable trainer I would agree. I'll remove it and add a lower back stretch instead :) good lookin out!
@rileyargo Did this workout tonight. Wasn't able to get a squat rack to start with so did leg press for the first 3 sets then finished up with the last one as described. I'm not a sumo deadlift fan (feels weird for me) so just did normal ones... I'm still recovering from hip/leg pain, so loaded up relatively light. Hip thrusters were killer, nice mid set going there. I could need to work on form for the cable pull-throughs, as I just didn't feel it much in the glutes. I might substitute this one for split squats instead. The cable kickbacks were a nice flowing movement to finish up with, next time I'll need to load up more though.

I did rest between sets, but usually incorporate stretching. For these I did leg swings, hamstring stretches, hip-flexor lunges and prayer squats.

Workout took about 45 mins, except I had to finish early and ended up doing finishing stretches later on.

Stats for me:
Leg Press - 3 x 12 @230
Back Squat - 1 x 12 @95
Deadlift - 4 x 10 @95
Hip Thrusters - 4 x 15 @50
Pull-throughs - can't remember this one, think about @40
Kickbacks - 20 each side @15
@hockeydude22 for inexperienced yes - you should educate on how to do it properly without endangering your back. I was shown by my physio when I strained my lower back and it has helped a lot with my mobility. It's 100% safe if you know how.

I'm going to be replacing it with a lower back stretch instead, seeing as I can't control for experience level .
@hockeydude22 Why is it frowned upon? Rolling my back sometimes is the only way to get rid of the pain, but I have yet to learn trigger pain therapy so that may well make a difference
@w4g I've heard it places a lot of pressure on the lumbar spine, forces an increased arch in the lower back and poses a possible risk to your kidneys/liver as they have no bone protection. I'm not a professional though.