@puppies_and_rainbows You can lay on your back and move your feet like your riding a bicycle, works out legs and core. I'd recommend going on sprints as fast as you can a few times a week then jog at a moderate pace for longer 3 times a week. Cardio sucks when you start, it gets easy after a few weeks much easier. You'll start to get runners high which I miss the most, makes you feel great for days mentally and physically getting that blood pumping. Do you do pull ups at all? Those are equally as important as push ups, closed grip, wipe grip, reverse grip, also do different types of push ups like diamond push ups to focus the triceps. Russian twists are really good core workouts for at home also and easy to do. Working out every muscle group is going to be your best bet, you might have muscle imbalances which will make body weight exercises more difficult. If you really want a good workout that's fun try kickboxing. If you have a gym near you try it out, it's amazing cardio, tons of fun, and a great endurance builder. Swimming is also good for cardio on rest days. Make sure you're taking 2-3 rest days a week try to walk or swim those days but not heavy lifting. Use a body protein calculator online to make sure you're eating enough protein, carbs are very important too. Meat and dairy will be your best sources of protein, complex carbs are the best but any will work. If you don't eat 30 minutes after working out or drink a protein shake that should be your priority, ice cream is good too or peanut butter. Your muscles need glucose after a hard workout and sugar gives you an insulin surge. Keeping salt intake up is something to watch especially if you're sweating a lot every day. I use celtic sea salt as it's better than regular salt, try putting a little extra salt on your food and if you notice you feel better then your electrolytes are off. BCAAs are also very good for recovery, you can get them online or at gnc. It's worth investing in a good protein mix and they usually cost about $50-$80 for a large tub but it's well worth it. If you really wanna ramp things up get some serovital, increase your body's natural production if growth hormones. You'll be able to run longer, faster, work out more, recover faster, and have all around better energy. It costs about $90 for a one month supply but if you get any supplement get that one, you'll notice a massive difference in energy levels.