Roughly a year’s worth of progress: not a whole world’s difference, but I’ve come such a long way

Hi everyone! I’ve been working on myself for the last year and change, and I’m so proud and want to share it :) any tips and words of encouragement are greatly appreciated! If anyone has any questions, i would love to answer them.

Progress Pictures


July 1, 2021 - telling myself i was going to start prioritizing my health, i wasn’t doing much of anything though. I would go to the gym/a walk maybe once every week, eating/ordering out 2-3 times a week, overeating and not really caring too much. I couldn’t walk 30 minutes on a treadmill without wanting to cry. This went on until the new year.

January 2022 - started to actually try - starting Jan 1, i went to the gym 3-4x a week with strength training, it was like pulling teeth to get me to do even a little bit of cardio. It still made me want to cry, but i was moving more. I got covid in the second week, but i went back and was so proud of myself!! I took the second progress pic on January 30 because i knew this time was different than all the other times.

Throughout 2022 - i started to get into a good routine of going to the gym 4-6x a week, mostly strength training. I started adding at least 10 minutes of walking most days in may/june ish. i started to add 30 minute incline walks 2-3 days a week at my target fat burning heart rate at the end of august.

Cue my third progress picture today, 10/5. I felt great about my progress so far while i was at the gym today and i wanted to document it.

Push/Pull/Leg — i do different movements every day, not each p/p/l day has all of these movements

- incline chest press (usually machine, occasionally dumbbell)
- chest fly (seated, machine)
- bench press (barbell or dumbbell, not often)
- triceps cable pushdown (rope & straight bar)
- triceps extension (dumbbell)
- triceps extension (machine, not as often as the other 2)
- front/diagonal/lateral raises, usually in a superset (dumbbell)
- shoulder press (machine usually, dumbbell messes with my right shoulder worse than the machine, i have a bad shoulder)
- reverse fly (dumbbell)

- seated row (cable, usually will go back and forth between wide grip bar and the smaller V grip one)
- lat pulldown (cable)
- assisted pull ups (alternate between wide and narrow grip)
- curls (dumbbell - hammer, regular, always do one arm at a time and hold the other arm at 90* angle with the weight in my hand, idk how to describe it lol but i call it a deficit? No idea if that’s right 😂)
- t-bar row (when i work out at home)
-front pulldown (machine)

- plate loaded leg press
- step ups w/ weight
- seated leg press (the one you slide up the machine in your seat)
- abductor & adductor machines
- glute medius kickbacks
- lying leg curl / seated leg curl
- calf extensions

My leg day sucks lol i hate it. I am so uncomfortable using the smith machine and my squat form sucks (i know, i need to work on it to make it better lol)

I’ll usually do anywhere from 3 to 5 sets of 8-15 reps of each workout; less if I’m going heavier and more if I’m going lighter. That’s depending on the day/how I’m feeling.

Cardio is just walking @ a 7-8.5 incline at speed 2 - 3, nothing fancy.

I am eating out maybe once a month, drinking much less than i was. I’m not doing any specific diet or following anything, but just making most meals with fresh ingredients & trying to get more protein in. Just trying to eat more clean.

Heaviest weight - 260 lbs
Current weight (as of a few days ago) - 247 lbs

- Ribcage (below boobs): 42”
- Waist: 43.5”
- Hips: 53.5”
- Neck: 14 3/4”

- Ribcage (below boobs): 40”
- Waist: 41”
- Hips: 51.5”
- Neck: 14”

My original focus was to just get moving and stronger, but I’m now starting to add in focus on fat loss. I’m very happy with where I’m at so far!

If you made it this far, i appreciate you! It’s not a crazy amount of progress, but it’s still progress!

Thanks for listening 🫶
@sickofallthelies Damn your back progress is impressive! You'll get even better with time, be healthier and have a better state of mind while developing your physique. Keep going girl!