Same Full Body routine x 3 times a week?


New member
Hey guys,

MY GOAL IS TO GET CUT/RIPPED NOT BIG, BUT MUSCULAR AND CUT. I have a decent ground base now with 183cm and 73kg. But I want more muscle and definition.

Disclaimer: I have not trained serious for 1-2 years so I would still consider myself a beginner in terms of taking fitness serious and being contentious with progressive overloading and right nutrition. I have trained for a year, but it has been sporadic with constant changes to approach and a steep learning curve.

I see Full Body programs being wildly acknowledged too be preferable to "beginners".

Is it recommened to do the same Full Body split 3 times a week?

Every Monday/Wednesday/Friday:


Chin Up


Overhead Press

Bent Over Row

Bench Press

Cable Crunches

Also I often prefer to train monday, wednesday and friday, but some wednesdays I can't train due to work. What would you advice when this happens or to prevent this?

Is doing the same exercises three times a week too much?

Should I instead perhaps follow something like the Bigger, Leaner, Stronger 3 or 4 day routine? On the 4 day routine I would then rest on wednesdays.

Have you had any experience in trying this approach yourself?
@dawn16 You are probably right. I think squat is a weak spot so how about this:

Monday: Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift + 1 or 2 accessory ex.

Wednesday: Squat, Overhead Press, Chin up + 1 or 2 acc ex.

Friday: Squat, Bench Press, Row or Lat Pulldown + 1 or 2 acc ex.

Would that be too much overuse of Squat?

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