Shoutout to the confident gym girls!


New member
Recently started going to the gym after years of prolonging it. Never been fit or exercised much. Literally intimidated walking on to a gym floor. I prefer group classes right now cause of how shy i feel.

But honestly i look at all these women who train/lift like no bodies watching. I know they’re doing their own thing and don’t really care. But it’s so admirable and respectable. I can’t wait to be as confident one day. Y’all are my motivation and inspiration every morning! Keep doing what youre doing because someone at the gym is in awe of you! :)
@brothergee I lift weights and I can see the eyes looking at me mostly males and some females. It's definitely gets uncomfortable for me but I pretended I don't see them. I wish I can be confident, I go to the gym 5/6 out of the 7 days. But when is see other ppl staring I feel something is wrong with me. I'm very very self conscious.
@brothergee I feel like I look like one of those people but it’s only bc I get super high before I go to the gym, it really gets me in the zone hehe. Between that and noise cancelling AirPods I am in my own worldddddd lol. I have zero clue what’s going on around me half the time
@brothergee First time I went to my gym I totally messed up. I even manage to drop a barbell on my foot and I thought everyone must have been judging me. But I have seen no indication that anyone had noticed. I might look confident to some people but internally I am sometimes screaming at myself like "PLAY IT COOL OMG WHY DID I DO THAT".
@brothergee I also prefer classes as well. I do orange theory and everyone can do it so I don't feel left out. I mostly don't like the weight floors because the men always stare or hog up everything and it just makes it so awkward to ask.
@brothergee Fake it til you make it is my motto! I dress like them and can pass as one by my body type but dear god do I feel lost and out of place and terrified of my own shadow at the gym.
Just play bad ass empowering music and believe in the fact that no one cares what you’re doing and they all (or some) feel just like you do.
@brothergee Man I feel this a lot for anything free weights, because I always feel like everyone is watching me. Like machines are no problem, but whenever I squat or deadlift I'm so self conscious and I deliberately do it when not a lot of people are at the gym
@brothergee Everyone at the gym is there to improve themselves, no matter what shape they are in, the fact that you walked into the gym that day and decided to make time for yourself that day is an accomplishment, don’t use that time to judge yourself or what other ppl are thinking about you, you do you :)
@brothergee Here's a secret from one of 'those girls', I look like a beast with muscles in all the right places and my pub trick is to squat the benches or my fella, but the thing is, I'm so self conscious, I only get through sessions with headphones on max with a banging playlist, I lift infront of the mirrors to watch my form but I feel so incredibly self conscious and get intimidated by others even if they aren't as muscular as me, the ones in the gym I truly admire are the ones that are clearly there for the first time, they might not look fit or be able to lift much, they may have a lot of weight to lose, these people are still there, they're smashing it, making changes and they have to work so hard mentally and physically.

A few months back a couple of big guys joined, I got chatting with them and they're really funny, I thought maybe they wouldn't last but they still go every week (late when it's quieter) and I can see little improvements, I haven't said much as I don't wanna be weird but I'm really stoked for those guys.

Also, classes are so underrated, they're great and how I made friends at the gym not everyone feels like we do of course but a lot more than you might think, keep up the hard work you're doing amazing!
@brothergee When I first started I only did yoga classes at the gym Bc I was so lost amongst the machines. Then I found a friend to show me a few things and after that I decided to hire a trainer so I can learn the correct form. I think hiring a PT really helps and he helped me overcome a lot of my self doubts. Now, if people want to look, let them look. If they are judging me, then so be it … I feel sorry for those who have nothing better to occupy their time than to spend time to think negatively about a complete stranger.

Good luck !!
@brothergee I've just been working out on my own at home and getting miles in. I've lost 150lbs and I wanna start using the gym membership I've been paying for and not using lol but yeah shy as hell and intimidated is an understatement so I feel ya
@brothergee Confidence comes with knowledge! I started out watching Youtube tutorials during my workout and lifting dumbbells in the corner. I still am not super strong but I have enough knowledge to feel like I can do what I want in the gym. Also remember, half those guys who look like they know what they're doing have absolutely no idea.
@brothergee If you have the space in your budget, I'd recommend a PT. Even just a few sessions will give you so much confidence. I had imposter syndrome in the gym for the LONGEST time until I got a PT. She's given me a program that I go in and do (sometimes I even print it out on paper and take that and a pencil in with me) and I feel like I have so much purpose in there.

For me it made economic sense too, I've spent YEARS paying for gym memberships that I never used because I didn't really know what I was doing, or doing exercises I was already good at or doing exercises I hated not realising there was probably an exercise that worked the same muscle but in a way that I'd enjoy!
@brothergee I feel this so hard. I've been going to the gym for months but still have so much anxiety (have anxiety in general) about my form and my workouts. I recently started trying to go into the weight room alone to deadlift but some days I can't work up the courage. You got this and it's gets a little better each time. Group classes sound like a great way to ease in :)
@brothergee i’m back to a traditional weightlifting routine after about two years off doing a mix of kettlebell training and BW training and it’s still intimidating a little when i go to that area of the gym again! it’s good to see other women in that area for sure, keep up the good work!