Strong Curves book promotes a woman who's 5'8 and 115 lbs as clients' "ideal" body. Is the weight estimate just off?

@ezra21 I'm a 27 yo female, height is 5'8" and I fluctuate between 148-150lbs. I am certainly not in the shape I'd like to be but I am by no means overweight. At my worst (150) I do not really like pictures of myself but at my best (148) I love pictures of myself. What a difference a few lbs can make.

I'm working on getting to a stage of a fluctuation of 140-145lbs instead. But this would include weight of muscle I've been trying to build up.

This all being said - as a person of my height, age, and build - 115lbs sounds downright dangerous.
@hansthompson My weight fluctuates as much as 10 lbs during the day. But I guess if I'm only counting morning weight before eating anything, I don't fluctuate much.

At 5'4 I look best at about 114. Trying to get back to that weight. If I had a BMI of 17.5 I'd be like 102 lbs.
@hansthompson Agreed. I'm 150 lbs and 5'8, and my body looks much similar to hers than it does to the Victoria Secret models that are actually 115 lbs.. I'd definitely say she's closer to 125-140.

Then again, people say I don't look my weight at all, haha. But I seriously doubt she's under 125.
@ezra21 She is definitely not 115 lbs. Like not even a little bit possible. Not only does she not look 115 there, she has for sure, without a doubt, been photoshopped to look differently - likely smaller in some places. Like /@lesliedellow said, it's hard to guess weight by pictures but yeah. I'd be shocked if she were anywhere under 135.
@ezra21 Phew!! You should email him and point out that error. I'm only 5'4" and doughy, so maybe I'm way off, but I'd estimate Jessica Biel is 135ish in those pictures. She looks freaking fantastic!
@ezra21 She looks more in the range of 125-135lbs. I'm 5'11 and was 130lbs at one point (pre-lifting days) yet I looked skinnier than her.

Does he really estimate that much? To be honest that kind of ruins a little credibility in my eyes. He's supposed to be somewhat of a professional and yet that seems like a grossly misguided guess.

I do find that you can't generalize someone's weight like that because of how extreme body frame can vary, but to estimate -- that's.. that's a weird guess.
@dshap44 I'm 5'11" and currently about 130lb and probably look about the same, size wise, as she does in those photos. But I am not particularly muscular so I imagine that makes me weigh less than someone my size who was muscular.
Does he really estimate that much?

Yep, it's written in the book: 5'8 115 lbs.

He's supposed to be somewhat of a professional and yet that seems like a grossly misguided guess

My thoughts exactly. It's not very responsible to write that most women find a certain body ideal then describe that body as a very unhealthy weight. Hopefully it was just a slip-up.
@ezra21 I think he guessed Jessica Biel's weight wrong. This is a bit of a generalization, but men tend to not be very good at guessing women's weights. I'd estimate her weight to be around 125 lbs, but I also just pulled that number out of my ass.

Strong people are not underweight because people need muscles to be strong.
I think he guessed Jessica Biel's weight wrong

I'm 5'4 and men and women always assume I'm 10lbs less than I actually am.

Although if the guy is writing a fitness book and advising women, many of whom are probably worried about how much they weight, I'd assume he get a seeming small, yet in reality big thing like this, right!!
@dawn16 Men are really bad at knowing what women weigh. I just had a man guess my weight at 93lbs (I am 127lbs). I have had multiple men guess my weight at 105lbs.

Also, there are online "stats" for weights of actresses. I feel like most of these are somewhat inaccurate - but most have Jessica Biel between 55 - 58kg.