Summer Cut: 5'3/140--130 Ladies Group Chat


New member
Hi all!

If anyone knows how to work discord I'm open to a chat there as well!

There were a lot of us with similar stats so I thought a separate post for questions/support would be helpful. Not to say others can't comment as well, but we are all so similar in current goals.

For reminder, I'm 27/F/5'3/140 lbs on a cut at 17-1800 a day, aiming for goal weight of 125-130.

I'll post more about my current status below :)

*edit: Thanks to NinjaMcGee there is already a discord chat we can use.

For those that have never used it before, it's an online chat room basically. Make an account and then it's just a constant chat. you can stop in whenever you need to for advice, feedback, stories, etc.

For 22 years old and older

For 21 years old and younger
@twinmama 5'3/24/144 pounds. Planning on re-doing Strong Curves and eating a slight deficit, most likely between 1300-1500 on most days. Maybe more on heavy work out days. Hoping to get down to around 130, or whenever I feel satisfied!
@twinmama 31/5'6"/147 lbs
also getting married this summer like some of the other commenters (congrats all!)
trying to cut to 130-135 lbs by end of June

Online TDEE calculators have me at between 1800-2000 calories for maintenance with my sedentary desk job + 3-5 times/week gym

My eating plan is to try to average 1400-1500 per day for food consumption, doing low carb and gluten free where I can (aiming at less than 80 grams of carbs a day). Unfortunately my habit is to always overeat on the weekends (i live in nyc and all social events revolve around eating or drinking... damn you boozy brunches) so I'm trying to stop fighting this cycle by undereating during weekdays (1200-1300 calories) to make up for the weekends (1800-2000 calories). It looks like some other people do this on this thread- how've you made this work for you?

On the workout front I've started doing Strong Curves - aiming to do that 3x a week and then do some light cardio/ yoga 1-2x a week.
@twinmama I'm down! A bit late but doing this for motivational purposes..

25/5'0/108ish lbs

I have been working out regularly for years, I'm pretty happy with my body but this winter I definitely gained a little bit while being sick. Not a lot but I definitely want to go on a small cut.

I work out 3-5x a week: lifting, typical program with legs/shoulders, back/triceps, chest/biceps. Then on the other two days, if I go, i'll do more of an ab/cardio/catch all work out. I've also committed to doing the stair climber once a week for 15 minutes. I really like to bike in the summer but cardio goes down in the winter and man, stair master kills but is so good!

I mostly intuitive eat so going to start watching my calories now, going to be aiming for around 1500-1600, depending on how hungry I feel (some days I don't eat as much as others so sometimes need to look at things on average)
@twinmama 21/5’5/127 lbs—cutting at 1,400 cals. My goal is 120 by May (I’m going on a cruise!). I lift 3 times a week and am a competitive dancer so practicing for 10+ hours a week is my cardio. My macro split right now is 55% carb, 25% protein, and 20% fat, but I think for the last 4 weeks of my cut I’m going to reduce carbs and increase protein.
@seekalways That was the idea haha, as there was a lot of us with nearly identical stats in the original "summer cut post". But then everyone joined in.

The more the merrier, so no worries either way.
@twinmama 25/5'7/144 lbs. Already down a few pounds from being 148-149 at the beginning of January due to the holidays. Not looking for a particular weight, but I think I could afford to lose maybe like 3-5 pounds. Nothing too crazy.

I'm basically aiming to eat fewer than 2000 calories. Some days it ends up being 1500 if I'm not super active, other days it ends up being 1800-1900. Basically what I've been doing is only having one snack in the middle of my work day instead of, like, 3 or 4. haha.

I lift 4-5x a week and I'm currently running a bodybuilding program "Shortcut to Shred" by Jim Stoppani. In between each set it calls for one minute of HIIT. I usually jump rope or do some other kind of cardio acceleration. I'm also on my feet for most of the day so my TDEE is usually at least 2200+. I've been seeing results so I'm excited to keep grinding!
@twinmama Thanks! I was legit eating anywhere from 500 to 900 calories of just snacks during the day because my meals weren't that big. I've increased the volume my breakfast/lunch/dinner so I only need one snack during the day.
@twinmama I"m late to this, but I'm 33/5'2.5/123ish. I am still trying to drop the last few pounds of babyweight! My youngest and last is 13 months (my other daughter is 3) and my body has really wanted to hold onto these last 5 pounds this time. I'm still nursing her and I think that is part of my issue. I'm primarily a runner and I have a couple of goal races this spring (a half and a 10 miler) and I've been putting a lot of emphasis on speedwork this go around. I also do reformer pilates once a week and try to do at least one more strength session the other day. Due to my work schedule, I don't belong to a gym, so the strength is anything I can do at home. My first goal is to really cut back/cut out evening snacking! I generally do great during the day, but I really slip in the evenings.
@twinmama Joining in to make it real!

30/5'10/160 lbs (maybe slightly lower in reality as it is shark week)

Lifting 4 times a week, 2-3 shortish cardio sessions, 1 muay thai session with a coach and trying to do 1 yoga session as well.

I am at the end of my bulk - gained 10 pounds. The principle was "eat all the things" which was amazing. All my lifts increased and recovery was sooo much easier. I was supposed to finish bulking end of Feb, but had too much peanut butter in the house that made it impossible. It is also still very cold and I love walking but have not been able to move outside much. When the weather is nice I also bike to work most days.

Aiming to eat 1800 and I am perfect at it...and then i smoke. Really need to get that under control since I love it too much to give it up. Weekends are of course harder than work days especially with all the time spent in the house, watching TV or reading when it's cold. I think it's clear I depend on spring to get this done.

See you on discord!
@twinmama I'm 5'2 and started my a cut about a month and a half ago but would like to join. Currently I'm 116lb started at 119. I'm doing strong lifts 3 times a week and try to get a day of cardio in there but currently in the final year of my PhD so am mad busy. Aiming for around 110lb with a high protein low carb diet. I'm cutting at 1300 because short and other than the times at the gym I don't get out much because lab.
@twinmama 29/F/5'5"/vaguely 130? no scale. Will cut to 1800 (1600 on rest days) in two weeks. Gotta vacation coming up, want to eat on it!

Workout goal is lifting 3 days a week, krav maga classes 3 days a week, one rest day.

No goal weight, but I have a goal tone and want to see where my measurements end up!
@twinmama Yaaasssss

22/5'5"/142 lbs.

Cutting to 130. Currently running 5x/wk and lifting 3x/wk.

Without a doubt, my challenge is evening snacking. Any advice for not snacking between like 7-9?
@twinmama 28/5'2.5"/153lbs, trying to cut to 140 by July and ultimately 132-135.

Currently lifting 3-4 times, 2-3 hours of cardio and 1 day hike (~8 miles) every week. Typically I use a standing desk for half my work day, will walk to the next building a few times a day and take a 20 minute walk during lunch--nothing too crazy, but better than sitting for 8 hours.

I don't track macros/calories anymore, because the process of logging made me obsess over the numbers and caused unnecessary stress. I can kind of gauge where I'm at nutrition-wise, though. Generally I keep my protein high, carbs other than fruits and vegetables pretty low and fat moderate--Ive found this to be the best balance for my feeling of satiety and my mood. Gonna start weighing a couple times a week to gauge if I need to scale the food back more.
@twinmama 25/F/5'5"/124 lbs

Goal weight: 115. I started at 133, so lost 9 lbs thus far. Trying to lose all that belly fat & get a flat, toned stomach!

I eat 1300-1500 Calories daily with an emphasis on protein (1g/lb) so that I avoid losing muscle. I just started the Strong Curves program & do it 4x/week, and do HIIT on the other 2 days. I also do yoga once or twice & kickboxing once a week.