Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

I'm gathering data on what movements (gymnastics, barbell etc) people found the easiest / hardest to master.

If you'd like to take part please follow this link to the Google Form. It takes no more than 7 minutes:

UPDATE: The results are in.

The top five hardest rated CrossFit Movements as voted by r/crossfit are:
  • =1: Handstand Walk & Ring Muscle Up
  • 2: Bar Muscle Up
  • 3: Squat Snatch (from the floor)
  • 4: Hang Squat Snatch
  • 5: Strict Handstand Push Up
Some overview analysis in a short presentation online here.

I'll leave the survey open and you can access and download the full dataset from Google Sheets online here.
@redbull72 How often do people hook up at your box? I haven't really been paying attention at my box although I think there are a few couples who met at my box and are now in a relationship.
@dawn16 If I were to put up everyone's pics and then do the thumbtacks and strings thing, it would probably look like an Alex Jones conspiracy map haha.

I am slightly exaggerating, but I was pretty oblivious to it for the first 2 years I was there. And then you start hearing things, or notice certain regulars don't come to the same WOD times, or a married couple disappears because someone snuck a cookie out of someone else's cookie jar, etc ,etc.

I mean, you have a lot of fit attractive people, who are very competitive, sweating in sometimes minimal clothing... nature finds a way. I am fortunate to be oblivious, slightly older, and without a chance in hell of finding all six of my abs haha.
@dawn16 Same here. I know a few couples who met at my gym (including the owner/head coach who met his wife at the gym), but if anyone is hooking up I haven’t heard about it.

I don’t pay that much attention.
@dawn16 There's a guy at my box who is obviously on a hunt. There isn't female he won't talk to. I don't think he even knows guys exist, he's so persistently chatting up every female possible. I guess I would too. If I was single. And straight.
@samerobert Haha. I need to start paying attention. I actually was oblivious to a gay guy who was into me. We went out a couple times to hang out but I was under the impression it was just hanging out. Just meeting a new friend. He might've thought it was a date though. We still hang out though!
@adb5577 No sir/maam. You are probably just not the type of person attracted to it so you are either unaware or not involved in it, that's a good thing!

I work at three boxes and have been involved in several others. I have never personally been involved in much, if any, box drama but it does seem to be somewhat omnipresent. I don't think it's "CrossFit" or anything specific to us... I just think that the structure of boxes leads to a competitive and passionate atmosphere (Which can be VERY positive... or not). In addition, people who are very into self-improvement can be somewhat self-involved (myself included, admittedly) and it can lead to people butting heads.

It takes awhile but all three of my gyms have found ways to manage and limit the drama.