Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

@iphonetrabaohanh Handstand walk if it was on the list. It requires a lot of skill work to progress into it and no other movement in crossfit really creates a stimulus similar to it. I guess you could argue a ring handstand pushup, but I don't think many gyms would throw that in a metcon ever really (which is good, it would just be begging for injured shoulders)
@iphonetrabaohanh I started at CrossFit from a 0% fitness level and had a five month old baby. I couldn’t hang on the bar much less lift my toes off the ground. 9mo later I was doing ring muscle ups.

I share this with you to tell you I catch on relatively quick.

Handstand walks are beyond my comprehension. I hate them. They’re so frickin hard. I can strict muscle up, but handstand walks .... I don’t even get it. It’s the only thing I legit cannot do. It’s so hard!
@iphonetrabaohanh Oh I didn't mean it like I'm into him. I meant he's so focused on those girls. He'll say hi and then oops there's a female and off he goes. It's like watching someone try to get laid at a party.
I don't think he's ever successful.