This one is for the lurkers - what are you working on and what do you need help with right now?

@ngie Aggravated my elbow tendons pressing a 28k and wondering how much recovery time I’ll need before I can get back on it. At 43, I fear it’s weeks not days.
@klkent So frustrating, sorry to hear that!

It can definitely take time for a specific movement (the press) to recover but in the meantime we always recommend trying to work around it.

There may be lots of other areas where you can make progress - deadlifts, goblet squats, push ups, aerobic training etc. It may take some experimentation but there’s something out there that won’t bother it.

Let us know if you need ideas 👊
@ngie Working on (what I consider to be) extreme greasing the groove. I have an adjustable kb set at 12kg right now & I make sure at least to do a few movement patterns every time I walk by the bell.

Halos, extensions, swings, squats presses.

I’m going slow to manage this while I build the arches of my foot doing around the body passes.

Armor building complex is what I’ve got my eye on adding, I’m thinking 10 a day.

This load’s relatively manageable without a rest day, but as I up the intensity I’ll have to figure out how & when to rest.

I’m trying to treat this similar to marathon training where I do just what a rest day says and truly rest.
@ngie What I'm working on right now: just got my first comp bell (bells of steel adjustable) and trying some GS style workouts.

Going well: did 5x2' sets of snatches (2' rest between) with 20kg at 20/minute (until the last set). My first GS type workout. It felt tiring, the last set was ugly.

The challenges: relearning the same moves in a different style. I've been reading write ups and trying to master having tension at the right times in the right places is both frustrating and rewarding. Adding in breathing: doing sets of 5-10 is so freaking different from timed sets.

How can you help: I'll prolly do some form check videos soon. I've seen the workouts y'all post on here (X minutes on/off, X minute sets)is that your whole workout? Other than warm up, cool down and some mobility that pretty much taxes me. Should I be doing more than 10-15 minutes of total work in 20-30 minutes?
@soldat So awesome that you got those bells! We are considering cancelling our KB Kings order and getting those instead. Someone had just posted they are from the same manufacturer.

With GS, it seems like anywhere from 5-20 minutes of tough work in a session is PLENTY. We usually post the whole session when possible. I know everyone takes a different approach to rest, but we usually go with "rest as needed".

If you need more clarification just shoot us another comment!
@ngie I'm working on getting started again. I've been not doing it for a little bit, So I could see starting a whole new program. I have a 25lb and 35lb KB available, a front yard, and this silly idea that I want to burn off some stubborn belly fat during the holiday season.
@breno11car How many workouts do you feel 1000% confident you could do in a week? Try starting with that number. Sometimes it's 2 and that is GREAT! If you do 2 a week for 10 weeks you've got a good thing going.

As far as putting together a plan, I'd either jump right into the DFW Remix or you can check out some of our templates. Sometimes it's just easier to have something to follow versus piecing it together every time.

If you need more help, just shoot us another comment. Good luck, you can do it!
@ngie I hurt my back in the second week of starting kettlebells officially. I know it's because I have hip mobility issues and am not ending properly. I've been meaning to go through and get more specific into the hip swings but have avoided starting again for a few know when I bend correctly it doesn't hurt. I wish I could afford a trainer but that isn't happening...kettlebells were the economical choice for lifting.
@rukundo The items we mentioned in this comment are excellent for prehab/rehab of back issues.

If you have good overhead mobility you could do jerks instead of swings for awhile.

In the end, the more often you train and work on those hips the faster they will improve. Try to keep training if you can!
  • What are you working on right now?
Swings, cleans and presses. Trying to work up to doing these with more weight and to starting high pulls and snatches
  • What’s going well?
Able to do decent cleans with a weight I could barely do two-handed swings with a few months ago.
  • What challenges are you running into?
First move of the TGU. Even with minimal weight my legs flail.
  • How can we (or the subreddit) help you?
Keep posting training videos of high pulls and snatches, especially from the side. There's no such thing as too many of those!
@drradiaki18 Thanks for sharing and congrats on your progress so far!

On the first step of the TGU it can help to really focus on driving the bent leg and then the opposite elbow. Try to imagine "rolling over" rather than "sitting up"!
@ngie Working on patience and consistency. With 16 fractures and a mild case of ehlers danlos my body is a beautiful mess. I can do the splits with no warmup and press 12kg in that position but i see people casually repping 40kg and i get down on myself.

For these reasons i follow no programs or routines i just listen to my body. Everyday i do something. Could be 5min of half snatch (my fav), one round of bring sally up (least fav), or some yoga flows. Bottom line is no zero days. I'm building a foundation for the lifestyle i want, not trying to get aesthetic in 12 weeks or whatever.

I'm starting to bring in meditation more regularly now and I'm on a 26 day streak with that. Focusing on the present moment and all that since we don't really have anything else.
@randomnumber2 Don't get down on yourself by comparing your performance to others. That is a frustrating mental trap.

I think your idea of "no zero days" is the best thing you could do. If you keep that mentality you'll have made so much progress in a year or two. The more you train, the more chances you get to improve and those small improvements over many days result in BIG changes.

Keep up the work!
@ngie Can easily overdo it in my knee joints and lower back on my 52 year old body, but still try to do 100 swings a day even if squats are not happening,, working on safe snatch and TGU..I have two16kgs and am feeling closer to graduating soon
@ngie I really want to get back into using my bells but a comfortable space has been keeping me from trying again. I had to move earlier this year and the new place is smaller and I no longer have my workout basement. I know that shouldn't be the excuse but I'm more worried about potentially dropping a bell and cracking the flooring around the apartment.
@awesome777yay In over 10 years of working with the bells I can count on one hand the number of times I dropped the bell and it was always from going to heavy on strength movements. It never slipped during swings or similar.

It will take time but if you can get comfortable IN the new space you'll be back to your consistency.

If you're super concerned about dropping it, try to direct it into your couch during a drop lol!
@dawn16 Hey there! Thanks for sharing.

I know you talked a little more about your program in our thread yesterday. If we can help at all just let us know. I think you're off to a great start!