@kingshellie The following is going to sound insane - but it was the only way I could get my workouts in for an 18 month period. And once I adapted, it really did become habit and it became so easy that I never minded. It took a good 3-6 weeks for it to become more natural.
I took a part time job two years ago that I worked while the kids were in school. But I had to be fully available for drop off/pickup and after school activities. That left early morning my only time to workout. I had to be out the door with the kids no later than 7:30 am, husband left at 6:30 am, which meant I had to be home from the gym, making lunches and showering/getting dressed and everyone going by 6:30. 2hr workouts with 15 minute commute each way meant that I hit the gym at 3:45 with a 3:15am wake up call. That was Monday-Saturday.
Lots of good tips from others with laying out all your stuff and having it ready. I used to eat a banana when I started, but gradually transitioned into fasted workouts. In reality my performance became better when I did that plus it saved me time. I also made sure black coffee was easy to grab in the morning so I could take that with me. I tried to carry as little to/from the gym as I could (I got dressed at home), but what I did carry was all in my gym bag and easily accessible. Everything was in a certain pocket or place so if I needed lifting straps - quick and easy to grab because they were always in the same place. I didn’t have to think hard early in the morning. The other big component was going to bed EARLY (I had little kids with a 7:30/8pm bedtime so it was easier to crash when they did) and being super consistent on the weekends. Even on Sunday rest days I was up at 5 - even if it was sitting on the couch drinking coffee and watching a movie alone.
Now I have young teenagers, covid happened, I homeschool full time, work from home full time, and I have a home garage gym. I STILL wake up at 4:00am and get it all done by 6:30, shower quick, and hop online at 7:00 for the day.
It does take about 3-6 weeks to start laying in the habit. Be kind to yourself and give yourself some grace during the transition. It is very difficult to work against old habits and rhythms. But also recognize that discipline is important and part of a fitness journey. If that is your only time, then it is up to you to make that time slot work. We all make time for the things we find most important and you’ll definitely find your way through this bump!
ETA: Another thought is to add higher volume/intense workouts on Saturday/Sunday when you can possibly schedule a couple of 3 hr sessions. Then three of your other days - say m/f do 60 minute sessions and w a 90 minute session. That way you are loading your more intense days on your non work days, getting more rest during the week, and giving yourself a little more flexibility on timing.