Tips for working out first thing in the morning?

@kingshellie You could try alternating to at home work outs ? There are plenty of videos on YT to do it, Chloe Ting has really good short videos that literally kill you and it’s all body weight. If you are really stretched for time it’s something to consider substituting with. Otherwise you could try anything outdoorsy like biking, running, walking and so on. Exercise doesn’t have to be at the gym and you don’t have to be puffed out at the end.
@kingshellie I suggest finding ways to workout at home/not at the gym. Get a weight set and resistance bands; find workout videos you like; get a Peleton; go running at night, whatever. If you are a night owl, trying to work against that rather than with it is setting yourself up for a lot of struggle and failure.
@kingshellie I switched to early morning workouts about 3 months ago - waking up at 6 - after doing evening workouts for a long time. I also do about 1.5/2 hours - cardio (walking), lifting and then either yoga or some kind of bodyweight circuit. It was tough at first but now I absolutely LOVE it!

For me, starting with something not too intense that I absolutely love is the key. So for me that means a 3.5 mile hike with my dog. If I'm feeling ambitious then I'll run it, but knowing that I don't have to run it is what motivates me to get up. It's like "okay, all I have to do is get up and go on this beautiful walk." So my advice would be whatever your favorite part of the workout is, or whatever is the easiest part, start with that. Whatever's easiest to just get your body moving first thing.

Also, the post-workout shower is CRUCIAL in the morning. That's another thing that motivates me to get up and get going - knowing how amazing that shower is going to feel after!

Oh - and goes without saying but going to bed early! I used to stay up late and also had terrible insomnia - now I’m sometimes in bed before 9PM lol and I love it.
@kingshellie Mostly you just have to keep doing it. You will eventually get used to it, but it’ll take some time to adapt.

Try to do as much preparation the night before, so your gym bag is packed, your gym clothes are stacked beside it, and you just have to get up, put on that outfit and leave.

If you’re having trouble just getting out of bed, keep a water bottle on your bedside table and drink the entire thing when your alarm goes off (if you’re a pre-workout person, drink that and you will have to get up).

If you cannot work out fasted try experimenting with some small snacks you can prep ahead of time and just grab in the morning. A lot of people like a banana or half a peanut butter sandwich or even just some fruit juice.

It’s also so much easier to maintain this if you try to wake up fairly early on the weekend too, try not to sleep in more than 2-3 hours later than ‘usual’ on your off-days if you don’t keep the same schedule through the entire week.
@kingshellie I can’t work out fasted. Full stop. I had to get carbohydrate gummies (like clif bar shot bloks) to eat before a morning workout. It balances getting enough in my stomach to ease the shaky feeling but I don’t get nausea from my stomach being full.

Unfortunately I’m an early bird, so I don’t have much advice for getting up.
@kingshellie Hi! Former night owl here (many moons ago) but I have the exact same schedule. Wake up at 6, workout at 7, home for work by 8:45. My biggest tip is to set everything out the night before. Gym bag, workout clothes, prep the coffee, etc. Then you just gotta get up and do the thing. It's gonna suck for awhile but it DOES get better! Just make sure you're going to bed early and not sacrificing sleep.
@unekfaith That is a great point! Many moons ago, when I was working at the office, I would pack my bag with a towel, makeup, work clothes, etc. and put it in the car.

It was so much of a hassle to unpack everything if I didn't workout that sometimes that drove me to stick with my workout plan.
@unekfaith I second this! Having everything laid out the night before is the biggest help. I have my lunch ready to go in the kitchen, my bag packed and my clothes laid out, right down to the underwear. I don’t think I could even cope with trying to find a pair of socks in the morning lol. When everything’s ready, pretty much all you have to do is brush your teeth and get dressed. Fully recommend.
@kingshellie You just have to give your body time to adjust and change to a morning exerciser. There’s no quick fix, it’s just takes time to form new habits so stick with it. And yes occasionally you will have days where you’re body says nope not today!

I just want to takes you an hour to wake up and get ready for the gym? Maybe you can squeeze in a little extra sleep if you got ready quicker? Get all your stuff out ready the night before. It takes me a little less than 10 mins to drive to my gym, I set my alarm for 5.15am and I’m in there getting my workout on by 5.40am.
@kingshellie Can you get ready at the gym? That sounds like it would give you a bit more time. I understand it's not for everyone, I personally hate washing my hair at the gym and don't want to lug all my products with me.

Alternative is to do Saturday-Sunday bigger workouts, then at home ones during week days? Even something like yoga as you mentioned stretching.

Looking at the times you mentioned, seems that time could be compressed - does it really take you 50 mins to get up and ready to leave for the gym? Anything you could do the night before e.g. prep breakfast, back your bags.