@kingshellie I switched to early morning workouts about 3 months ago - waking up at 6 - after doing evening workouts for a long time. I also do about 1.5/2 hours - cardio (walking), lifting and then either yoga or some kind of bodyweight circuit. It was tough at first but now I absolutely LOVE it!
For me, starting with something not too intense that I absolutely love is the key. So for me that means a 3.5 mile hike with my dog. If I'm feeling ambitious then I'll run it, but knowing that I don't
have to run it is what motivates me to get up. It's like "okay, all I have to do is get up and go on this beautiful walk." So my advice would be whatever your favorite part of the workout is, or whatever is the easiest part, start with that. Whatever's easiest to just get your body moving first thing.
Also, the post-workout shower is CRUCIAL in the morning. That's another thing that motivates me to get up and get going - knowing how amazing that shower is going to feel after!
Oh - and goes without saying but going to bed early! I used to stay up late and also had terrible insomnia - now I’m sometimes in bed before 9PM lol and I love it.